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recvresp(): end with err

   Scott / All -
   Posted the same question the other day, hopefully is post makes more
   Why would I receive a "good" response - "recvresp(): entered" with an
   XML response from the sever (even though it's an error) then
   immediately recevie a "bad" response - "recvresp(): end with err" ?
   The request stays inside the company firewall - AS400 to a DHL sever in
   the same computer room.
   Could there be an issue on the server and/or internal router?
   The program is pretty straight forward and a snippet is below, followed
   by the debug file.
   I've spent a better part of a week on this, and any help would really
   be appreciated.
   Todd Carmosino
   >>> Code Snippet <<<
    * Parameter list from calling program...
   D MG120RG         PR                  ExtPgm('MG120RG')
   D   Debug                       10A
   D   dhlesIP                     32A
   D   WMSEnv                      10A
   D   Result                      80A
   D   dhlesIN                  32766A
   D   dhlesOUT                 32766A
   D MG120RG         PI
   D   Debug                       10A
   D   dhlesIP                     32A
   D   WMSEnv                      10A
   D   Result                      80A
   D   dhlesIN                  32766A
   D   dhlesOUT                 32766A
   D url             s           1024A
   D csv             s          32766A   varying
   D retdata         s          32766A
   D retlen          s             10I 0
   D nextpos         s             10I 0 inz(1)
   D debugFile       s            100A
   D rc              s             10I 0
   url = %trim(dhlesIP);
   csv = 'xml=' + %trim(dhlesIN);
   rc = http_url_post_raw(
                      : %addr(csv) + 2
                      : %len(csv)
                      : 1
                      : %paddr('INCOMING')
                      : HTTP_TIMEOUT
                      : HTTP_USERAGENT
                      : 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' );
   if rc <> 1;
      result = 'MG120RG: http_url_post_raw failed' + debugFile;
      result = 'HTTP POST Success!';
   *inlr = *on;

   // Convert the "raw" response data to EBCDIC
   if  retlen > 3;
       http_xlate(retlen: retdata: TO_EBCDIC);
       dhlesOUT = %trimr(retdata);
       result = ' ';
       result = 'POST Successful - no response data returned';
     // Procedure to convert "raw" response data to EBCIDC
   P incoming        B
   D incoming        PI            10I 0
   D   descriptor                  10I 0 value
   D   data                      8192A   options(*varsize)
   D   datalen                     10I 0 value
   c                   eval      retlen = (nextpos + datalen) - 1
   c                   if        retlen > %size(retdata)
   c                   eval      datalen=datalen-(retlen-%size(retdata))
   c                   endif
   c                   if        datalen < 1
   c                   return    0
   c                   endif
   c                   eval      %subst(retdata: nextpos) =
   c                                %subst(data:1:datalen)
   c                   eval      nextpos = nextpos + datalen
   c                   return    datalen
   P                 E

   >>> Debug File <<<
   HTTPAPI Ver 1.24 released 2012-01-23
   OS/400 Ver V6R1M0
   New iconv() objects set, PostRem=819. PostLoc=0. ProtRem=819. ProtLoc=0
   WMS Environment: WMSPRD
   DHL EasyShip:
   http_persist_open(): entered
   http_long_ParseURL(): entered
   DNS resolver retrans: 10
   DNS resolver retry  : 5
   DNS resolver options: x'00000136'
   DNS default domain: BTOL.COM
   DNS server found:
   DNS server found:
   http_persist_post(): entered
   http_persist_req(POST) entered.
   http_long_ParseURL(): entered
   do_oper(POST): entered
   There are 0 cookies in the cache
   POST / HTTP/1.1
   User-Agent: http-api/1.24
   Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
   Content-Length: 593
   senddoc(): entered
   xml=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><req:GetNewWaybillRequest
   recvresp(): entered
   <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
   <ns1:SevereErrorResponse xmlns:ns1=[2]"http://www.dhl.com";>
           <Message>XML document structures must start and end within the
   same entity.</Message>
   recvresp(): end with err
   http_close(): entered


   1. http://www.dhl.com/
   2. http://www.dhl.com/
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