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Cookie problem?

I have a problem that I beleave has to do with cookies.
I try to do multiple http_url_post_xml and the second time I do a http_url_post_xml  I get a parse error because the http server returns 200 OK but 0 data.
It works if i do a RCLACTGRP QILE (clears the cookie and header)  before I do http_url_post_xml, but is there another solution on this? .
The first time httpapi gets this cookie from the http server:
header_load_cookies() entered
cookie_parse() entered
cookie =  JSESSIONID=agqhYNJ5_ZWc1FU8jW; path=/; secure; HttpOnly
cookie attr jsessionid=agqhYNJ5_ZWc1FU8jW
cookie attr path=/
cookie attr secure=
cookie attr httponly=

The second time, httpapi sets the cookie like this:
Cookie: ÅVersion=0; jsessionid=agqhYNJ5_ZWc1FU8jW; ÅPath=/;
And  gets Content-Length: 0 and SetError() Æ66: XML parse failed at line 1, col 0: no element found

Enclosed is the debug file.
Here is my rpg:
SOAP =                                                
 '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>'             
+'<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:xsi='                       
+'"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"; '       
+'"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"; '       
+'<cas:getCasefile soapenv:encodingStyle='            
+'<username xsi:type="xsd:string">' + %trim(wsUser) + '</username>' 
+'<password xsi:type="xsd:string">' + %trim(wsPwd) + '</password>'  
+'<fileno xsi:type="xsd:string">' + %trim(caseFileno) + '</fileno>' 
HTTP_setCCSIDs(1208: 277);  // CCSID 1208 = UTF-8                   
http_xproc( HTTP_POINT_ADDL_HEADER                                  
         : %paddr(Add_SOAPACT2) );                                  
// Send Soap xml to xxx                                            
  rc = http_url_post_xml(                                           
       : %addr(SOAP) + 2                                   
       : %len(SOAP)                                        
       : *NULL                                             
       : %paddr(GetInnerDoc)                               
       : %addr(filename)                                   
       : HTTP_TIMEOUT                                      
       : HTTP_USERAGENT                                    
       : 'text/xml;charset=utf-8');                        
 if (rc <> 1);                                             
 if (http_parse_xml_stmf( %trim(fileName)                  
                       : 1252                              
                       : *null                             
                       : %paddr(Incoming2)  
                       : *null ) < 0 );     
Best regards,


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