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   New to Web Services in need of help. I'm using HTTPAPI to create a
   process in to consume Web Services.
   Few highlights on the process:
   a) Requires SSL validation (working fine)
   b) Using http_url_post_xml
   c) Below request works fine using SoapUi tool.
   d) I get a 500 error, as you well know, a generic error that does not
   says much.
   Here is the issue as far I can understand it and more important,
   explain or ask the correct question.
   1)The SOAP request must contain some dynamic information derived from
   the values included in the <Body>, using the total length of the
   information, this function
      (ds:DigestMethod Algorithm=) returns a pseudo key value
   (<ds:DigestValue>) to properly work (please see RED below). As
   mentioned, this is dynamic value and the key
      value, it changes every time the request is sent (even when using
      Question: Is there a function in HTTPAPI that would execute
   DigestMethod Algorithm and return key value?
   2) In SoapUi there are some parameters or settings I needed to modify
   for the request to work;
       a) I need respecify the "Outgoing WSS"
       b) Strip whitespaces (set to "true")
   Here is the SOAP variable
   Soap =
   '<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:amer="http://www.xxxxxxxxxxx.com"; '+
   '<soapenv:Header><wsse:Security '+
   '<wsse:BinarySecurityToken '+
   'oasis-200401-wss-soap-message-security-1.0#Base64Binary" '+
   '200401-wss-x509-token-profile-1.0#X509v3" '+
   'wsu:Id="CertId-EBB39D8FA1A2268132132623127725710" '+
   '<ds:Signature Id="Signature-7" '+
   'xmlns:ds="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#";>               '+
   '<ds:SignedInfo>                                              '+
   '<ds:CanonicalizationMethod '+
   'Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2001/10/xml-exc-c14n#"/>        '+
   '<ds:SignatureMethod '+
   'Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#rsa-sha1"/>     '+
   '<ds:Reference URI="#id-8">                                   '+
   '<ds:Transforms>                                              '+
   '<ds:Transform Algorithm='+
   '"http://www.w3.org/2001/10/xml-exc-c14n#"/>                  '+
   '</ds:Transforms>                                             '+
   '<ds:DigestMethod '+
   'Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#sha1"/>         '+
   '</ds:Reference>                                              '+
   '</ds:SignedInfo>                                             '+
   '<ds:SignatureValue>                                          '+
   'npltMJCr8bCCykqU2fsvr4Y0mEb8/zQw==                           '+
   '</ds:SignatureValue>                                         '+
   '<ds:KeyInfo Id="KeyId-EBB39D8FA1A2268132132623127725711">    '+
   '<wsse:SecurityTokenReference '+
   'wsu:Id="STRId-EBB39D8FA1A2268132132623127725712" '+
   '<wsse:Reference URI="#CertId-EBB39D8FA1A2268132132623127725710" '+
   '</wsse:SecurityTokenReference>                               '+
   '</ds:KeyInfo>                                                '+
   '<soapenv:Body wsu:Id="id-8" '+
   '</amer:ConsultarDocumento></soapenv:Body></soapenv:Envelope> ';
   Question on http_url_post_xml, please explain parameter(s) in BLUE
   Rc = http_url_post_xml(
         :%Addr(Soap) + 2


   I hope my lack of experience doing this does not annoy any one, and my
   apologies in advance if I did not ask the correct question or presented
   my issue clearly.
   Best Regards
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