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RE: Ftpapi Digest, Vol 62, Issue 20

Thanks so much for your time and efforts, Thomas.
Tried to follow the recommendation to adjust the impl_item_of_anyType_t... 
to a data structure, but the compiler caught me on the need to change four  
occurrences where other subprocedures had local definitions referring to 
that same "impl_item_of_anyType_t" structure. Those were 
"curItem_of_anyType_A1" in subproc, "Inventory_getProfiles",
"currentItem" and "emptyItem" in subproc,
"impl_item_of_anyTypeStart_of_impl_getProfilesRpc", and "currentItem" in 
subproc, "impl_item_of_anyTypeEnd_of_impl_getProfilesRpc". 
I changed those fields to "likeds" data structures as well, but still could
not get past the compiler.  
In subproc, "impl_item_of_anyTypeEnd_of_impl_getProfilesRpc" I get "RNF0229:
*DATA is not valid with %ADDR..." on the call to UnMarshaller_toStringV6.
Sadly, I may be in over my head here.  I have not yet tried to download and 
modify the WSDL, but that may be my next effort.

Again, thanks for all you're doing here. My project will require accessing 
a number of similar web services, and I'm really hoping I can leverage your
tools to a meet those needs.

-- Michael Koester

Below is my stub, as modified.  (Today's changes are tagged with "22")

      *  Generated by WSDL2RPG 1.14beta11 / 23.07.2011
      *  Built on Aug 18, 2011 (13:20:52)
      *  Built for V6R1M0
      *  Based on WS_STUB v1.14
      *   Please search for 'INFO:' to get basic information how to call
      *   the web service.
      *   Default attachment handling (for demonstration) was added to
      *   WS_STUB but is disabled by default.
      *   In order to enable or disable default attachment handling you have
      *   to define or undefine the following compiler condition name:
      *   By default attachments are stored in folder:
      *      '/tmp/attachments'
      *   You can change the default attachment folder by calling the
      *   following procedure before calling the web service:
      *      Inventory_setAttachmentFolder()
      *   Default attachment handling was added to demonstrate how
      *   to manage attachments. Please search the generate stub
      *   module for 'TODO:' to see what code belongs to attachment
      *   support.
      *   Log4rpg:
      *   Pre-Compiler tags used by STRPREPRC to retrieve creation
      *   commands from the source member.
      * ---------------------------------------------------------------------
      * >>PRE-COMPILER<<
      *   >>CRTCMD<< CRTRPGMOD    MODULE(&LI/&OB) +
      *                           SRCFILE(&SL/&SF) +
      *                           SRCMBR(&SM);
      *   >>COMPILE<<
      *     >>PARM<< TRUNCNBR(*NO);
      *     >>PARM<< DBGVIEW(*LIST);
      *   >>END-COMPILE<<
      *   >>EXECUTE<<
      *   >>CMD<<    CRTSRVPGM +
      *              SRVPGM(&LI/&OB) +
      *              MODULE(&LI/&OB) +
      *              EXPORT(*ALL) +
      *              BNDSRVPGM(*LIBL/WSDL2RPGRT +
      *                        *LIBL/MIME     +
      *                        *LIBL/HTTPMIME +
      *                        *LIBL/BASICS1) +
      *              TEXT('+
      *              Web Service: getProfiles()+
      *              ') +
      *              DETAIL(*BASIC);
      * >>END-PRE-COMPILER<<
     H DEBUG
      * INFO:
      * This is the procedure you call to consume the Web Service:
      * ----------------------------------------------------------
      * Operation: impl:getProfiles
      * Returns  : impl_getProfilesRpc
      * INFO:
      * Include fields in your test/production programs referring to the *_t
      * type templates used in this prototype, using a LIKE(*_t) or LIKEDS(*_t).
      * These fields will be your request and response messages.
     D Inventory_getProfiles...
     D                 PR                  likeds(impl_getProfilesRpc_t)
     D                                     extproc('Inventory_getProfiles')
     D  i_in0                              likeds(apachesoap_Map_t)
     D  o_msg                              like(wsdl_errText_t )
      *   Array dimensions:
     D DIM_A1          C                   256
     D DIM_A2          C                   256
      *   Types:
     D apachesoap_mapItem_t...
     D                 DS                  template
     D                                     qualified
     D  key                        4096A   varying
     D  value                      4096A   varying
     D apachesoap_Map_t...
     D                 DS                  template
     D                                     qualified
     D  item                               likeds(apachesoap_RpgArrayOfItem_t)
     D apachesoap_RpgArrayOfItem_t...
     D                 DS                  template
     D                                     qualified
     D  x                            10I 0
     D  mapItem                            likeds(apachesoap_mapItem_t)
     D                                     dim(DIM_A2)
     D impl_getProfilesRpc_t...
     D                 DS                  template
     D                                     qualified
     D  getProfilesReturn...
     D                                     likeds(impl_RpgArrayOfArrayOf_xsd_...
     D                                     anyType_t)
     D impl_item_of_anyType_t...
 22  D                 DS                  template
 22  D  x                            10i 0
 22  D  key                          64a
 22  D  value                       256a
 22  D*                S           4096A   varying
 22  D*                                    template
     D impl_RpgArrayOfArrayOf_xsd_anyType_t...
     D                 DS                  template
     D                                     qualified
     D  x                            10I 0
 22  D  item                               likeds(impl_item_of_anyType_t)
     D                                     dim(DIM_A1)

      *   Starts the Log4rpg logging service.
     D Inventory_startLoggingService...
     D                 PR
     D                                     extproc('+
     D                                     Inventory+
     D                                     _startLoggingService+
     D                                     ')
     D  i_path                             const  like(LOG4RPG_path_t   )
     D                                            options(*nopass)
     D  i_waitMinutes                10I 0 const  options(*nopass)
     D  i_unit                       10A   const  options(*nopass)
      *   Web service: Enables/disables the debug log of HTTP API
     D Inventory_setHttpDebug...
     D                 PR
     D                                     extproc('+
     D                                     Inventory+
     D                                     _setHttpDebug+
     D                                     ')
     D   i_status                      N   const
     D   i_fileName                 500A   const  varying  options(*nopass)
      *   Web service: Sets the proxy server to use for the connection
     D Inventory_setProxy...
     D                 PR
     D                                     extproc('+
     D                                     Inventory+
     D                                     _setProxy+
     D                                     ')
     D  i_server                    256A   const
     D  i_port                       10I 0 const
      *   Web service: Returns the endpoint of the Web service
     D Inventory_getEndpoint...
     D                 PR         32767A          varying
     D                                     extproc('+
     D                                     Inventory+
     D                                     _getEndpoint+
     D                                     ')
      *   Web service: Sets the endpoint of the Web service
     D Inventory_setEndpoint...
     D                 PR
     D                                     extproc('+
     D                                     Inventory+
     D                                     _setEndpoint+
     D                                     ')
     D  i_url                     32767A   const varying  options(*varsize)
      *   Web service: Returns the host name of the Web Service endpoint
     D Inventory_getHost...
     D                 PR         32767A          varying
     D                                     extproc('+
     D                                     Inventory+
     D                                     _getHost+
     D                                     ')
      *   Web service: Sets the host name of the Web service endpoint
     D Inventory_setHost...
     D                 PR
     D                                     extproc('+
     D                                     Inventory+
     D                                     _setHost+
     D                                     ')
     D  i_url                     32767A   const varying  options(*varsize)
      *   Web service: Returns the port of the Web Service endpoint
     D Inventory_getPort...
     D                 PR            10I 0
     D                                     extproc('+
     D                                     Inventory+
     D                                     _getPort+
     D                                     ')
      *   Web service: Sets the port of the Web service endpoint
     D Inventory_setPort...
     D                 PR
     D                                     extproc('+
     D                                     Inventory+
     D                                     _setPort+
     D                                     ')
     D  i_port                       10I 0 const
      *   Registers an user callback procedure, that is called whenever
      *   a web service requires user authentification.
     D Inventory_registerLoginCallback...
     D                 PR
     D                                     extproc('+
     D                                     Inventory+
     D                                     _registerLoginCallback+
     D                                     ')
     D  i_pLoginProc                   *   value  procptr
      *   Http: Returns cTrue in case of an error, else cFalse.
     D Inventory_isError...
     D                 PR              N
     D                                     extproc('+
     D                                     Inventory+
     D                                     _isError+
     D                                     ')
      *   Http: Returns the last HTTP error (code) that occurred.
     D Inventory_HttpError_getCode...
     D                 PR                  like(wsdl_http_ErrorNo_t  )
     D                                     extproc('+
     D                                     Inventory+
     D                                     _HttpError_getCode+
     D                                     ')
      *   Http: Returns the last HTTP error (text) that occurred.
     D Inventory_HttpError_getText...
     D                 PR                  like(wsdl_http_ErrorText_t)
     D                                     extproc('+
     D                                     Inventory+
     D                                     _HttpError_getText+
     D                                     ')
      *   Soap: Returns the last SOAP error (code) that occurred.
     D Inventory_SoapError_getCode...
     D                 PR                  like(wsdl_soap_faultcode_t  )
     D                                     extproc('+
     D                                     Inventory+
     D                                     _SoapError_getCode+
     D                                     ')
      *   Soap: Returns the last SOAP error (text) that occurred.
     D Inventory_SoapError_getText...
     D                 PR                  like(wsdl_soap_faultstring_t)
     D                                     extproc('+
     D                                     Inventory+
     D                                     _SoapError_getText+
     D                                     ')
      *   Soap: Returns the last XML error (code) that occurred.
     D Inventory_XmlError_getCode...
     D                 PR                  like(wsdl_xml_errorNo_t    )
     D                                     extproc('+
     D                                     Inventory+
     D                                     _XmlError_getCode+
     D                                     ')
      *   Soap: Returns the last XML error (text) that occurred.
     D Inventory_XmlError_getText...
     D                 PR                  like(wsdl_xml_ErrorText_t  )
     D                                     extproc('+
     D                                     Inventory+
     D                                     _XmlError_getText+
     D                                     ')
      *   Returns the file name of the attachment that is associated to
      *   a given content ID.
     D Inventory_Attachments_get...
     D                 PR                  like(wsdl_path_t     )
     D                                     extproc('+
     D                                     Inventory+
     D                                     _Attachments_get+
     D                                     ')
     D  i_attachmentID...
     D                                     const  like(wsdl_attachmentID_t )
      *   Returns the file name of the attachment that is associated to
      *   a given index.
     D Inventory_Attachments_getAtPos...
     D                 PR                  likeds(wsdl_attachment_t )
     D                                     extproc('+
     D                                     Inventory+
     D                                     _Attachments_getAtPos+
     D                                     ')
     D  i_index                      10I 0 const
      *   Returns the number of attachments that were downloaded with the
      *   last call to the web service.
     D Inventory_Attachments_getNumE...
     D                 PR            10I 0
     D                                     extproc('+
     D                                     Inventory+
     D                                     _Attachments_getNumE+
     D                                     ')
      *   Removes all attachments from the list of attachments of this web service.
     D Inventory_Attachments_removeAll...
     D                 PR
     D                                     extproc('+
     D                                     Inventory+
     D                                     _Attachments_removeAll+
     D                                     ')
      *   Enables/disables a workaround for Web services that are driven
      *   by Axis and that are affected by the AXIS-2095 bug.
     D Inventory_enableAxis2095...
     D                 PR
     D                                     extproc('+
     D                                     Inventory+
     D                                     _enableAxis2095+
     D                                     ')
     D  i_isEnabled                    N   const
      *   User callback to supply login information
      *   Returns WSDL_SUCCESS if successful, WSDL_ERROR upon error.
      *   Parameter description:
      *     i_authType         Authentication type:
      *                          WSDL_AUTH_TYPE_HTTP  - HTTP server.
      *                          WSDL_AUTH_TYPE_PROXY - Proxy server.
      *     i_realm            Authentication realm.
      *     i_numAttempts      Number of login attempts.
      *     o_user             UserName to use.
      *     o_password         Password to use.
     D Inventory_supplyLoginData...
     D                 PR            10I 0
     D                                     extproc('+
     D                                     Inventory+
     D                                     _supplyLoginData+
     D                                     ')
     D  i_authType                   14A          const  varying
     D  i_realm                     126A          const  varying
     D  i_numAttempts                10I 0        const
     D  o_user                       50A                 varying
     D  o_password                   50A                 varying
      *   Specifies the name of the folder where to put attachments in.
     D Inventory_setAttachmentFolder...
     D                 PR
     D                                     extproc('+
     D                                     Inventory+
     D                                     _setAttachmentFolder+
     D                                     ')
     D  i_folder                   1024A   const  varying options(*varsize)
      * ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 CPY  /COPY QBASICS1,PBASICS1                      Tools/400 Runtime Library
 CPY  /COPY QMIME,PMIME                            Tools/400 MIME Parser
 CPY  /COPY QMIME,HTTPMIME_H                       Tools/400 MIME Parser to HTTP API adapter
 CPY  /COPY QRPGLESRC,HTTPAPI_H                    HTTP-API Service Program
 CPY  /COPY QWSDL2RPG,PWSDL2R70                    WSDL2RPG: HTTP API Header Extensions
 CPY  /COPY QWSDL2RPG,PWSDL2R71                    WSDL2RPG: HTTP Debug Log
 CPY  /COPY QWSDL2RPG,PWSDL2R86                    WSDL2RPG: Stream
 CPY  /COPY QWSDL2RPG,PWSDL2R87                    WSDL2RPG: ManagedMemoryDataSource
 CPY  /COPY QWSDL2RPG,PWSDL2R89                    WSDL2RPG: List of attachments
 CPY  /COPY QWSDL2RPG,PWSDL2R90                    WSDL2RPG: AppMsg
 CPY  /COPY QWSDL2RPG,PWSDL2R94                    WSDL2RPG: MultiRef
 CPY  /COPY QWSDL2RPG,PWSDL2R97                    WSDL2RPG: eXpat Adapter
 CPY  /COPY QWSDL2RPG,PWSDL2R98                    WSDL2RPG: UnMarshaller/Marshaller
 CPY  /COPY QWSDL2RPG,PWSDL2R42                    WSDL2RPG: User name and password
 CPY  /COPY QWSDL2RPG,PLOG4RPG                     Log4rpg: The Log4rpg service program
 CPY  /COPY QWSDL2RPG,PLOG4RPG00                   Log4rpg: The Log4rpg stub module
      * ------------------------------------
      *  Internal prototypes
      * ------------------------------------
      *   Reopens a given input stream in order to send it over
      *   the wire again.
     D reOpenInputStream...
     D                 PR                         like(wsdl_hStream_t    )
     D                                     extproc('+
     D                                     reOpenInputStream+
     D                                     ')
     D  i_hDataSource                      const  like(wsdl_hDataSource_t)
     D  i_hInpStream                       value  like(wsdl_hStream_t    )
      *   Login in to proxy server or http server.
     D login...
     D                 PR            10I 0
     D                                     extproc('+
     D                                     login+
     D                                     ')
     D  i_http_err                   10I 0 value
     D  i_numAttempts                10I 0 value
      *   Sets the content type and the SOAP action of the POST message.
     D HTTP_setContentTypeAndSOAPAction...
     D                 PR
     D                                     extproc('+
     D                                     HTTP_setContentTypeAndSOAPAction+
     D                                     ')
     D  o_addlHdrs                 1024A          varying
     D  i_pUserData                    *   value
     D impl_getProfilesRpcStart...
     D                 PR
     D                                     extproc('impl_getProfilesRpcStart')
     D  userdata                       *   value
     D  depth                        10I 0 value
     D  namespace                  1024A   varying const
     D  name                       1024A   varying const
     D  path                      24576A   varying const
     D  attrs                          *   dim(32767)
     D                                     const options(*varsize)
     D impl_getProfilesRpcEnd...
     D                 PR
     D                                     extproc('impl_getProfilesRpcEnd')
     D  userdata                       *   value
     D  depth                        10I 0 value
     D  namespace                  1024A   varying const
     D  name                       1024A   varying const
     D  path                      24576A   varying const
     D  value                     65535A   varying
     D  attrs                          *   dim(32767)
     D                                     const options(*varsize)
     D impl_item_of_anyTypeStart_of_impl_getProfilesRpc...
     D                 PR
     D                                     extproc('impl_item_of_anyTypeStart_o+
     D                                     f_impl_getProfilesRpc')
     D  userdata                       *   value
     D  depth                        10I 0 value
     D  namespace                  1024A   varying const
     D  name                       1024A   varying const
     D  path                      24576A   varying const
     D  attrs                          *   dim(32767)
     D                                     const options(*varsize)
     D impl_item_of_anyTypeEnd_of_impl_getProfilesRpc...
     D                 PR
     D                                     extproc('impl_item_of_anyTypeEnd_of_+
     D                                     impl_getProfilesRpc')
     D  userdata                       *   value
     D  depth                        10I 0 value
     D  namespace                  1024A   varying const
     D  name                       1024A   varying const
     D  path                      24576A   varying const
     D  value                     65535A   varying
     D  attrs                          *   dim(32767)
     D                                     const options(*varsize)
      *   Receice response of HTTP post operation.
     D HTTP_receiveResponse...
     D                 PR            10I 0 extproc('+
     D                                     HTTP_receiveResponse+
     D                                     ')
     D  i_hStream                    10I 0 value
     D  i_data                         *   value
     D  i_length                     10I 0 value
      *   SOAP message: Envelope
     D SOAPMessage_Envelope...
     D                 PR                  extproc('+
     D                                     SOAPMessage_Envelope+
     D                                     ')
     D   userdata                      *   value
     D   depth                       10I 0 value
     D   namespace                 1024A   varying const
     D   name                      1024A   varying const
     D   path                     24576A   varying const
     D   attrs                         *   dim(32767)
     D                                     const options(*varsize)
      *   SOAP message: fault information
     D SOAPMessage_FaultStart...
     D                 PR                  extproc('+
     D                                     SOAPMessage_FaultStart+
     D                                     ')
     D   userdata                      *   value
     D   depth                       10I 0 value
     D   namespace                 1024A   varying const
     D   name                      1024A   varying const
     D   path                     24576A   varying const
     D   attrs                         *   dim(32767)
     D                                     const options(*varsize)
      *   SOAP message: fault information
     D SOAPMessage_FaultEnd...
     D                 PR                  extproc('+
     D                                     SOAPMessage_FaultEnd+
     D                                     ')
     D   userdata                      *   value
     D   depth                       10I 0 value
     D   namespace                 1024A   varying const
     D   name                      1024A   varying const
     D   path                     24576A   varying const
     D   value                    65535A   varying const
     D   attrs                         *   dim(32767)
     D                                     const options(*varsize)
      *   SOAP message: fault details
     D SOAPMessage_FaultDetailStart...
     D                 PR                  extproc('+
     D                                     SOAPMessage_FaultDetailStart+
     D                                     ')
     D   userdata                      *   value
     D   depth                       10I 0 value
     D   namespace                 1024A   varying const
     D   name                      1024A   varying const
     D   path                     24576A   varying const
     D   attrs                         *   dim(32767)
     D                                     const options(*varsize)
      *   SOAP message: fault details
     D SOAPMessage_FaultDetailEnd...
     D                 PR                  extproc('+
     D                                     SOAPMessage_FaultDetailEnd+
     D                                     ')
     D   userdata                      *   value
     D   depth                       10I 0 value
     D   namespace                 1024A   varying const
     D   name                      1024A   varying const
     D   path                     24576A   varying const
     D   value                    65535A   varying const
     D   attrs                         *   dim(32767)
     D                                     const options(*varsize)
      *   SOAP message: NULL callback procedure
     D SOAPMessage_unexpectedElementStart...
     D                 PR
     D                                     extproc('+
     D                                     SOAPMessage_unexpectedElementStart+
     D                                     ')
     D   userdata                      *   value
     D   depth                       10I 0 value
     D   namespace                 1024A   varying const
     D   name                      1024A   varying const
     D   path                     24576A   varying const
     D   attrs                         *   dim(32767)
     D                                     const options(*varsize)
      *   SOAP message: NULL callback procedure
     D SOAPMessage_unexpectedElementEnd...
     D                 PR
     D                                     extproc('+
     D                                     SOAPMessage_unexpectedElementEnd+
     D                                     ')
     D   userdata                      *   value
     D   depth                       10I 0 value
     D   namespace                 1024A   varying const
     D   name                      1024A   varying const
     D   path                     24576A   varying const
     D   value                    65535A   varying const
     D   attrs                         *   dim(32767)
     D                                     const options(*varsize)
     D ignoreUnexpectedSoapHeader...
     D                 PR              N
     D                                     extproc('+
     D                                     ignoreUnexpectedSoapHeader+
     D                                     ')

      *   DataEast customizations

mk    *   Set the URL based on data in the EPequipmnt 'DSLAM' record
mk   D BuildURLfromEPequipmnt...
mk   D                 PR         32767a   varying
mk   D                                     extproc('DSLAM_URL')
mk   D WebServiceName               256a   varying
mk   D                                     const
mk   D LoginNeeded                     n   const

      * ------------------------------------
      *  Global fields & constants
      * ------------------------------------
      *   Web service port name
     D                 C                   'Inventory'
      *   UUID of the web service as generated by WSDL2RPG
     D cSERVICE_UUID   C                   '30A56001C640194DA35A0004AC101091'
      *   SOAP response header
      *   Reference to the 'respSoapHeader' field.
     D g_pRespSoapHeader...
     D                 S               *   inz
      *   XMLSAXParser handle
     D g_hSAXParser    S                   like(xmlSaxParser_handle_t) inz
      *   MIME parser
     D g_hMIMEParser   S                   like(mime_hMime_t ) inz
      *   MIME message indicator
     D g_isMimeMessage...
     D                 S               N   inz(cFalse)
      *   Content ID of the SOAP message part
     D g_SOAPMessageID...
     D                 S            512A   varying inz
      *   Indicator "parse SOAP message"
     D g_doParseSOAPMessage...
     D                 S               N   inz(cFalse)
      *   Indicator "SOAP message parsed"
     D g_SOAPMessage_done...
     D                 S               N   inz(cFalse)
      *   Body part counter
     D g_BodyPart_counter...
     D                 S             10I 0 inz
      *   Default and current attachment folder
     D                 C                   '/tmp/attachments/'
     D g_attachmentFolder...
     D                 S           1024A   varying inz(cATTACHMENT_FOLDER)
      *   HTTP response "initialized" indicator
     D g_HTTP_isInit...
     D                 S               N   inz(cFalse)
      *   POST data CCSID (1208 = UTF-8)
     D g_post_ccsid...
     D                 S             10I 0 inz(1208)
      *   HTTP debug log settings
     D g_httpDebug     DS                  qualified
     D  status                         N   inz
     D  fileName                    500A   inz varying
      *   Proxy server to use
     D g_proxy         DS                  qualified
     D  server                      256A   inz
     D  port                         10I 0 inz
      *   Switch for AXIS bug AXIS-2095
     D g_isAXIS_2095   S               N   inz(cFalse)
      *   Error information
     D g_errors        DS                  likeds(wsdl_errors_t    ) inz
      *   User callback to supply login information
      *   Returns WSDL_SUCCESS if successful, WSDL_ERROR upon error.
     D g_getLoginDataImpl...
     D                 S               *   procptr inz
     D getLoginDataImpl...
     D                 PR            10I 0
     D                                     extproc(g_getLoginDataImpl)
     D  i_authType                   14A          const  varying
     D  i_realm                     126A          const  varying
     D  i_numAttempts                10I 0        const
     D  o_user                       50A                 varying
     D  o_password                   50A                 varying
      *   Web service endpoint as specified in the WSDL file.
     D cURL            C                   '
     D                                     vices/Inventory'
      *   Web service endpoint
     D g_url           S          32767A   varying inz(cURL)
      * -------------------------------------------
      *  TODO: Added to implement default
      *        attachment handling.
      * -------------------------------------------
 CPY  /COPY QWSDL2RPG,CLIB                         C Runtime Library
      *  User data scoped to the current part
     D partUserData_t...
     D                 DS                  qualified               based(pDummy)
     D  FD                           10i 0
      * =====================================================================
      * Operation: impl:getProfiles
      * Returns  : impl_getProfilesRpc
      * =====================================================================
     P Inventory_getProfiles...
     P                 B                   export
     D Inventory_getProfiles...
     D                 PI                  likeds(impl_getProfilesRpc_t)
     D  i_in0                              likeds(apachesoap_Map_t)
     D  o_msg                       128A   varying
      *  Return value
     D rtnValue        DS                  likeds(impl_getProfilesRpc_t)
     D                                     inz
      *  Local fields
     D isUnexpectedError...
     D                 S               N   inz(cFalse)
     D isRedirect      S               N   inz(cFalse)
     D request         S          65535A   varying inz
     D url             S                   like(g_url) inz
     D rc              S             10I 0 inz
     D rcvm0200        DS                  likeds(rcvm0200_t ) inz
     D msg             DS                  likeds(msg_t      ) inz
     D headers         DS                  likeds(headers_t  ) inz
     D hDataSource     S                   like(wsdl_hDataSource_t   ) inz
     D hOutStream      S                   like(wsdl_hStream_t       ) inz
     D hSAXParser      S                   like(xmlSaxParser_handle_t) inz
     D hMIMEParser     S                   like(mime_hMime_t         ) inz
     D hInpStream      S                   like(wsdl_hStream_t       ) inz
     D contentType     S                   like(wsdl_contentType_t   ) inz
      *  Login helper fields
     D err             S             10I 0 inz
     D lastErr         S             10I 0 inz(-1)
     D numAttempts     S             10I 0 inz
      *  Array iterator fields
     D X_A1            S             10I 0 inz
     D X_A2            S             10I 0 inz
     D curItem_of_anyType_A1...
 22  D                 DS                  likeds(impl_item_of_anyType_t)
     D                                     inz
     D curMapItem_A2   DS                  likeds(apachesoap_mapItem_t)
     D                                     inz
     D userData        DS                  likeds(impl_getProfilesRpc_t)
     D                                     inz
      * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

         // Set url to include login credentials
mk       g_url = BuildURLfromEPequipmnt('Inventory' : cTrue);
mk       if g_url = 'ERROR';
mk          // unable to build the URL from the EPequipmnt record.
mk          // Use the default value in the cURL constant;
mk          g_url = cURL;
mk       endif;
       //  ----  End DataEast custom code...

         o_msg = '';


            // Initialize map to manage <multiRef> elements

            // Remove all attachments of this service from the list of attachments
            Attachments_removeAll(Attachments_theInstance(): cSERVICE_UUID);

            // Enable/disable HTTP debug log
 B01        if (g_httpDebug.status = *ON);
 B02           if (g_httpDebug.fileName <> '');
                  http_debug(*ON: g_httpDebug.fileName);
 X02           else;
 E02           endif;
 X01        else;
 E01        endif;

            // Set proxy server to use
 B01        if (g_proxy.server <> '');
               http_setproxy(g_proxy.server: g_proxy.port);
 X01        else;
               http_setproxy('': 0);
 E01        endif;

            // Set CCSID for POST data according
            // to the encoding of the SOAP envelope
            HTTP_SetCCSIDs(g_post_ccsid: HTTP_EBCDIC);

            // Create and open data source to store the request message
            hDataSource = ManagedMemoryDataSource_new();

            contentType = 'text/xml';
            hOutStream = ManagedMemoryDataSource_OutputStream_open(
                               hDataSource: contentType: g_post_ccsid);

            // Produce SOAP request message
            request =
               '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>'                     +
               '<soapenv:Envelope'                                          +
               ' xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/";' +
            ' xmlns:apachesoap="http://xml.apache.org/xml-soap";' +
            ' xmlns:impl="urn:Inventory"' +
            ' xmlns:soapenc="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/";' +
            ' xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema";' +
            ' xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance";' +
               '>'                                                          +
               '<soapenv:Body>'                                             +

         if (%len(request) > 0);
            // Add previous bytes of request message to output stream
            ManagedMemoryDataSource_OutputStream_write(hOutStream: %addr(requ...
            est: *DATA): %len(request));
            clear request;

         request = request +
         '<impl:getProfiles' +
               ' soapenv:encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/e+
               ncoding/"' +
         '>' +
         '<in0' +
               ' xsi:type="apachesoap:Map"' +
         '>' +

         if (%len(request) > 0);
            // Add previous bytes of request message to output stream
            ManagedMemoryDataSource_OutputStream_write(hOutStream: %addr(requ...
            est: *DATA): %len(request));
            clear request;

         for X_A2 = 1 to i_in0.item.x;
            curMapItem_A2 = i_in0.item.mapItem(X_A2);

            request = request +
            '<item' +
               ' xsi:type="apachesoap:mapItem"' +
            '>' +
            '<key>' +

            if (%len(request) > 0);
               // Add previous bytes of request message to output stream
               ManagedMemoryDataSource_OutputStream_write(hOutStream: %addr(
               request: *DATA): %len(request));
               clear request;
               : %addr(curMapItem_A2.key: *DATA)
               : %len(curMapItem_A2.key)
               : hOutStream);

            request = request +
            '</key>' +
            '<value>' +

            if (%len(request) > 0);
               // Add previous bytes of request message to output stream
               ManagedMemoryDataSource_OutputStream_write(hOutStream: %addr(
               request: *DATA): %len(request));
               clear request;
               : %addr(curMapItem_A2.value: *DATA)
               : %len(curMapItem_A2.value)
               : hOutStream);

            request = request +
            '</value>' +
            '</item>' +

            if (%len(request) > 0);
               // Add previous bytes of request message to output stream
               ManagedMemoryDataSource_OutputStream_write(hOutStream: %addr(
               request: *DATA): %len(request));
               clear request;

         request = request +
         '</in0>' +
         '</impl:getProfiles>' +
               '</soapenv:Body>'                                            +

            // Add remaining bytes of request message to output stream
 B01        if (%len(request) > 0);
                     hOutStream: %addr(request) + 2: %len(request));
 E01        endif;

            // Close output stream and finish the request message

            // Open input stream
            hInpStream = ManagedMemoryDataSource_InputStream_open(hDataSource);

            // Clear error code
            clear g_errors;
            g_errors.errType = WSDL_HTTP_SUCCESS;

            // HTTPAPI: Enables additional headers
                       : %paddr('HTTP_setContentTypeAndSOAPAction')
                       : %addr(headers));

            headers.contentType =
            headers.soapAction  = '';

            // ---------------------------------------
            //   Post request and parse response
            // ---------------------------------------

            // Create parser (callbacks style: HTTP API)
            XMLSAXParser_new(hSAXParser: cTrue);
            XMLSAXParser_setDoNamespaces(hSAXParser: cTrue);
               : cXML_CB_SAX_STARTELEMENT
               : %paddr('SOAPMessage_Envelope'));
            XMLSAXParser_prepareParse(hSAXParser: %addr(userData));

            // Create MIME parser in case we need it
            hMIMEParser = MIMEParser_new();
            MIMEParser_setDecodeData(hMIMEParser: cTrue);
                                          : *NULL
                                          : %paddr('HTTPDataSink_startPart')
                                          : %paddr('HTTPDataSink_bodyData')
                                          : %paddr('HTTPDataSink_endPart'));

            // Make parser available for HTTP_receiveResponse()
            g_hSAXParser    = hSAXParser;
            g_hMIMEParser   = hMIMEParser;
            g_isMimeMessage = cFalse;
            g_HTTP_isInit   = cFalse;
            g_SOAPMessageID = '';
            g_doParseSOAPMessage = cFalse;
            g_SOAPMessage_done   = cFalse;
            g_BodyPart_counter   = 0;

            // Make SOAP response header available to SOAPMessage_Envelope
            g_pRespSoapHeader = *NULL;

            // eXpat: Post request and parse response
            url = Inventory_getEndpoint();
 B01        dou (err <> HTTP_NDAUTH and err <> HTTP_PXNDAUTH);
               // Get document from server and handle http redirects
               //   301 Moved Permanently
               //   302 Found
               //   303 See Other
               //   307 Temporary Redirect
 B02           dou (not isRedirect);
                  rc = http_url_post_raw2(
                     : hInpStream
                     : %paddr(
                     : ManagedMemoryDataSource_getSize(hDataSource)
                     : 0
                     : %paddr('HTTP_receiveResponse')
                     : HTTP_TIMEOUT
                     : HTTP_USERAGENT
                     : '');
 B03              if (rc = 301 or rc = 302 or rc = 303 or rc = 307);
                     url = http_redir_loc();
                     // Reopen data stream
                     hInpStream = reOpenInputStream(hDataSource: hInpStream);
                     isRedirect = cTrue;
 X03              else;
                     isRedirect = cFalse;
 E03              endif;
 E02           enddo;

               // The first time we request a document that requires user/password
               // it will return a HTTP_NDAUTH error.
 B02           if (rc <> 1);
 B03              if (err = HTTP_NDAUTH or err = HTTP_PXNDAUTH);
 B04                 if (g_getLoginDataImpl = *NULL);
 E04                 endif;

 B04                 if (err <> lastErr);
                        lastErr = err;
                        numAttempts = 0;
 E04                 endif;
                     numAttempts = numAttempts + 1;

 B04                 if (login(err: numAttempts) <> 1);
 E04                 endif;

                     // Reopen data stream
                     hInpStream = reOpenInputStream(hDataSource: hInpStream);
 E03              endif;
 X02           else;
                  err = 0;
 E02           endif;
 E01        enddo;

            // Preserve parser error code and message text
 B01        if (err = HTTP_RDWERR);
               g_errors.xmlError.code = XMLToolkit_getError(
                                              : g_errors.xmlError.text
                                              : g_errors.xmlError.line
                                              : g_errors.xmlError.column);
 E01        endif;


 B01        if (g_isMimeMessage);
               g_isMimeMessage = cFalse;
 E01        endif;

            g_HTTP_isInit = cFalse;

            isUnexpectedError = cTrue;
            rcvm0200 = f_rcvPgmMsg(cMsg_Any: *: cMsg_Act_Same: 0
                                   : cMsg_Same: cMsg_ToMyself);
            msg = f_cvtRcvMsgToMsg(rcvm0200);
            g_errors.errType        = WSDL_HTTP_ERROR_UNEXPECTED;
            g_errors.httpError.no   = WSDL_HTTP_ERROR_UNEXPECTED;
            g_errors.httpError.text = f_rtvMsgText(msg);
            rc    = g_errors.httpError.no;
            o_msg = g_errors.httpError.text;

         g_hSAXParser  = *NULL;
         g_hMIMEParser = *NULL;

 B01     if (not isUnexpectedError);
 B02        if (err <> 0);
               g_errors.errType = WSDL_HTTP_ERROR;

               // Set http error code and message text
               g_errors.httpError.no   = err;
               g_errors.httpError.text = http_error();

               // Return error message text to caller
 B03           if (g_errors.httpError.text <> '');
                  o_msg = g_errors.httpError.text;
 X03           else;
                  o_msg = Inventory_SoapError_getText();
 E03           endif;
               clear rtnValue;
               o_msg = '';
               rtnValue = userData;
 E02     endif;

 B02     if (not XMLSAXParser_isNull(hSAXParser));
 E02     endif;

 B02     if (not MIMEParser_isNull(hMIMEParser));
 E02     endif;

 B02     if (not ManagedMemoryDataSource_isNull(hDataSource));
 B03        if (ManagedMemoryDataSource_Stream_isOpen(hInpStream));
 E03        endif;
 B03        if (ManagedMemoryDataSource_Stream_isOpen(hOutStream));
 E03        endif;
 E02     endif;

 B02     if (not MultiRef_isNull());
 E02     endif;

 B02     if (http_DebugLog_isOpen());
 E02     endif;

         return rtnValue;

     P Inventory_getProfiles...
     P                 E
      * ==================================================================
      * Return value: impl:getProfilesRpc
      * ==================================================================
     P impl_getProfilesRpcStart...
     P                 B
     D impl_getProfilesRpcStart...
     D                 PI
     D  userdata                       *   value
     D  depth                        10I 0 value
     D  namespace                  1024A   varying const
     D  name                       1024A   varying const
     D  path                      24576A   varying const
     D  attrs                          *   dim(32767)
     D                                     const options(*varsize)
     D currentItem     DS                  likeds(impl_getProfilesRpc_t)
     D                                     based(pCurrentItem)
      * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

         // Get access to current item
         pCurrentItem = userdata;

         when (depth = 1
                name = 'getProfilesRpc');
            if (MultiRef_isReference(attrs));
                  : XMLSAXParser_getUserData()
                  : depth
                  : namespace
                  : name
                  : path
                  : XMLSAXParser_getStartCallback()
                  : XMLSAXParser_getEndCallback()
                  : *omit
                  : %addr(currentItem)
                  : %size(currentItem)

         when (depth = 2
                name = 'getProfilesReturn'
                namespace = '');
               : %paddr('impl_item_of_anyTypeStart_of_impl_getProfilesRpc')
               : %paddr('impl_item_of_anyTypeEnd_of_impl_getProfilesRpc')



     P impl_getProfilesRpcStart...
     P                 E
      * ==================================================================
      * Return value: impl:getProfilesRpc
      * ==================================================================
     P impl_getProfilesRpcEnd...
     P                 B
     D impl_getProfilesRpcEnd...
     D                 PI
     D  userdata                       *   value
     D  depth                        10I 0 value
     D  namespace                  1024A   varying const
     D  name                       1024A   varying const
     D  path                      24576A   varying const
     D  value                     65535A   varying
     D  attrs                          *   dim(32767)
     D                                     const options(*varsize)
     D currentItem     DS                  likeds(impl_getProfilesRpc_t)
     D                                     based(pCurrentItem)
     D itemValue       DS                  likeds(wsdl_fullElementData_t)
     D                                     inz
      * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

         // Get access to current item
         pCurrentItem = userdata;

         // Get full element data
         itemValue = XMLSAXParser_getFullElementData();



     P impl_getProfilesRpcEnd...
     P                 E
      * ==================================================================
      * Return value: impl:getProfilesReturn
      * ==================================================================
     P impl_item_of_anyTypeStart_of_impl_getProfilesRpc...
     P                 B
     D impl_item_of_anyTypeStart_of_impl_getProfilesRpc...
     D                 PI
     D  userdata                       *   value
     D  depth                        10I 0 value
     D  namespace                  1024A   varying const
     D  name                       1024A   varying const
     D  path                      24576A   varying const
     D  attrs                          *   dim(32767)
     D                                     const options(*varsize)
     D x               S             10I 0 inz
     D impl_getProfilesReturn...
     D                 DS                  likeds(impl_RpgArrayOfArrayOf_xsd_...
     D                                     anyType_t)
     D                                     based(userdata)
 22  D currentItem     DS                  likeds(impl_item_of_anyType_t)
     D                                     based(pCurrentItem)
 22  D emptyItem       DS                  likeds(impl_item_of_anyType_t)
     D                                     inz
      * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

         // Return to caller if array is SOAP encoded.
         // Depth=1 indicates that we are at the top
         // of the array but not on item level.
         if (depth = 1);
            if (MultiRef_isReference(attrs));
                  : XMLSAXParser_getUserData()
                  : depth
                  : namespace
                  : name
                  : path
                  : XMLSAXParser_getStartCallback()
                  : XMLSAXParser_getEndCallback()
                  : *omit
                  : %addr(impl_getProfilesReturn)
                  : %size(impl_getProfilesReturn)

         // Get access to current array item
         if (MultiRef_doCaptureData() and MultiRef_hasItemIndex());
            x = MultiRef_getItemIndex();
            if (depth = 2);
               impl_getProfilesReturn.x = impl_getProfilesReturn.x + 1;
            x = impl_getProfilesReturn.x;

         pCurrentItem = %addr(impl_getProfilesReturn.item(x));

         when (depth = 2);
            if (MultiRef_isReference(attrs));
                  : XMLSAXParser_getUserData()
                  : depth
                  : namespace
                  : name
                  : path
                  : XMLSAXParser_getStartCallback()
                  : XMLSAXParser_getEndCallback()
                  : x
                  : %addr(currentItem)
                  : %size(currentItem)



     P impl_item_of_anyTypeStart_of_impl_getProfilesRpc...
     P                 E
      * ==================================================================
      * Return value: impl:getProfilesReturn
      * ==================================================================
     P impl_item_of_anyTypeEnd_of_impl_getProfilesRpc...
     P                 B
     D impl_item_of_anyTypeEnd_of_impl_getProfilesRpc...
     D                 PI
     D  userdata                       *   value
     D  depth                        10I 0 value
     D  namespace                  1024A   varying const
     D  name                       1024A   varying const
     D  path                      24576A   varying const
     D  value                     65535A   varying
     D  attrs                          *   dim(32767)
     D                                     const options(*varsize)
     D x               S             10I 0 inz
     D impl_getProfilesReturn...
     D                 DS                  likeds(impl_RpgArrayOfArrayOf_xsd_...
     D                                     anyType_t)
     D                                     based(userdata)
 22  D currentItem     DS                  likeds(impl_item_of_anyType_t)
     D                                     based(pCurrentItem)
     D itemValue       DS                  likeds(wsdl_fullElementData_t)
     D                                     inz
      * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

         // Return to caller if array is SOAP encoded.
         // Depth=1 indicates that we are at the top
         // of the array but not on item level.
         if (depth = 1);

         // Get access to current array item
         if (MultiRef_doCaptureData() and MultiRef_hasItemIndex());
            x = MultiRef_getItemIndex();
            x = impl_getProfilesReturn.x;

         pCurrentItem = %addr(impl_getProfilesReturn.item(x));

         // Get full element data
         itemValue = XMLSAXParser_getFullElementData();

         when (depth = 2);
            if (not Value_isNil(attrs));
                  : %addr(currentItem: *DATA)
                  : %size(currentItem)
                  : itemValue.pData
                  : itemValue.size);



     P impl_item_of_anyTypeEnd_of_impl_getProfilesRpc...
     P                 E
      * =====================================================================
      *   Reopens a given input stream in order to send it over
      *   the wire again.
      * =====================================================================
     P reOpenInputStream...
 ERR P                 B
     D reOpenInputStream...
     D                 PI                         like(wsdl_hStream_t    )
     D  i_hDataSource                      const  like(wsdl_hDataSource_t)
     D  i_hInpStream                       value  like(wsdl_hStream_t    )
      *  Return value
     D hInpStream      S                   like(wsdl_hStream_t       ) inz
      * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

         hInpStream =

         return hInpStream;

     P reOpenInputStream...
     P                 E
      * =====================================================================
      *   Login in to proxy server or http server.
      * =====================================================================
     P login...
     P                 B
     D login...
     D                 PI            10I 0
     D  i_http_err                   10I 0 value
     D  i_numAttempts                10I 0 value
      *  Return value
     D rc              S             10I 0 inz
      *  Helper fields
     D basic           S               N   inz
     D digest          S               N   inz
     D realm           S            124A   inz
     D authType        S             14A   inz varying
     D userid          S             50A   inz varying
     D password        S             50A   inz varying
      * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

         if (i_http_err = HTTP_NDAUTH);
            http_getauth(basic: digest: realm);
            authType = WSDL_AUTH_TYPE_HTTP;
            http_proxy_getauth(basic: realm);
            authType = WSDL_AUTH_TYPE_PROXY;

         rc = getLoginDataImpl(authType: realm
                               : i_numAttempts: userid: password);
         if (rc <> 1);
            userid = '';
            password = '';
            return rc;

         if (i_http_err = HTTP_NDAUTH);
            if (digest);
                            : userid: password);
                            : userid: password);
            if (digest);
                                  : userid: password);
                                  : userid: password);

         userid = '';
         password = '';

         return rc;

     P login...
     P                 E
      * =====================================================================
      *   Sets the content type and the SOAP action of the POST message.
      * =====================================================================
     P HTTP_setContentTypeAndSOAPAction...
     P                 B
     D HTTP_setContentTypeAndSOAPAction...
     D                 PI
     D  o_addlHdrs                 1024A          varying
     D  i_pUserData                    *   value
      *  User Data
     D headers         DS                  likeds(headers_t) based(i_pUserData)
      * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

         o_addlHdrs = cHTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE + ': ' +
                      headers.contentType + cEBCDIC_CRLF +
                      cHTTP_HEADER_SOAP_ACTION + ': ' +
                      headers.soapAction + cEBCDIC_CRLF;

     P HTTP_setContentTypeAndSOAPAction...
     P                 E
      * =====================================================================
      *   Receice response of HTTP post operation.
      * =====================================================================
     P HTTP_receiveResponse...
     P                 B
     D HTTP_receiveResponse...
     D                 PI            10I 0
     D  i_hStream                    10I 0 value
     D  i_data                         *   value
     D  i_length                     10I 0 value
     D contentType     S           1024A   inz
      * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

         if (not g_HTTP_isInit);
            when (http_getContentType() = 'text');
               if (http_getContentSubType() = 'html');
                  if (f_exist('WSDL2RPG': '*LIBL': '*MSGF'));
                     clear USR0030;
                     USR00301 = cWEB_SERVICE_PORT;
                     AppMsg_sendCancelMsg(AppMsg_newError('USR0030': USR0030));
                              : 'Unexpected HTML data received from web service'
                              : '*ESCAPE'
                              : 'QCPFMSG'));
            when (http_getContentType() = 'multipart');
               contentType = %trim(http_header('content-type'));
               MIMEParser_setContentType(g_hMIMEParser: contentType);
               g_SOAPMessageID = http_getContentTypeAttr('start': cTrue);
               g_isMimeMessage = cTrue;
            g_HTTP_isInit = cTrue;

         if (g_isMimeMessage);
            if (MIMEParser_parse(g_hMIMEParser: i_data: i_length) = cTrue);
               return i_length;
               return -1;
            if (XMLSAXParser_parse(g_hSAXParser: i_data: i_length) = cTrue);
               return i_length;
               return -1;
               // return i_length;

     P HTTP_receiveResponse...
     P                 E
      * =====================================================================
      *   Starts a MIME body part.
      *   This procedure is called whenever a new part is started.
      * =====================================================================
      *   Parameters:
      *     i_pPart            Handle of the current part.
      *     i_pUserData        Pointer to user data as specified at
      *                        http_mime_DataSink_initialize().
      * =====================================================================
     P HTTPDataSink_startPart...
     P                 B
     D HTTPDataSink_startPart...
     D                 PI
     D  i_pPart                        *   const
     D  i_pUserData                    *   const
     D contentID       S            512A   varying inz
     D contentSubType  S             16A   varying inz
      * -------------------------------------------
      *  TODO: Add fields to open
      *        the file and to store the
      *        file descriptor.
      * -------------------------------------------
     D contentType     S             10I 0 inz
     D fileName        S           1024A   varying inz
     D fileExt         S             10A   varying inz
     D partUserData    DS                  likeds(partUserData_t )
     D                                     based(pPartUserData)
      * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

         if (http_mime_Part_getType(i_pPart) <> cMIME_BASICPART);

         g_BodyPart_counter = g_BodyPart_counter + 1;

         contentID      = http_mime_Part_getContentID(i_pPart);
         contentSubType = http_mime_Part_getContentSubType(i_pPart);

         if (not g_SOAPMessage_done);
            if (g_SOAPMessageID <> '');
               if (contentSubType = 'xml' and contentID = g_SOAPMessageID);
                  g_doParseSOAPMessage = cTrue;
               if (g_BodyPart_counter = 1);
                  g_doParseSOAPMessage = cTrue;

         // -----------------------------------------
         // TODO:
         // Add your code to handle attachments here|
         // E.g.: Open output file.
         // -----------------------------------------

         // Ignore all attachments that are not a BasicPart
         if (http_mime_Part_getType(i_pPart) <> cMIME_BASICPART);

         fileName       = http_mime_Part_getFileName(i_pPart);
         contentID      = http_mime_Part_getContentID(i_pPart);
         contentType    = http_mime_Part_getContentType(i_pPart);
         contentSubType = http_mime_Part_getContentSubType(i_pPart);

         if (contentType = cMIME_TYPE_TEXT);
            fileExt = 'txt';
            fileExt = contentSubType;

         fileName = g_attachmentFolder +
                    %char(%timestamp()) + '_' + contentID + '_' +
                    fileName  + '.' + fileExt;
         fileName = %xlate(':<>': '___': fileName);

         // Assign filename to content-ID and put it into the list of attachments
                         : cSERVICE_UUID
                         : contentID
                         : fileName);

         // Produce the user data of that Part to
         // store the file descriptor of the open file.
         pPartUserData = %alloc(%size(partUserData_t));
         clear partUserData;

         partUserData.FD = open(fileName
                                : O_CREAT + O_EXCL +
                                  O_SHARE_RDONLY + O_WRONLY + O_CCSID
                                : S_IRWXU + S_IRWXG + S_IRWXO
                                : 819);   // CCSID does not matter because
                                          // we write binary data

         // Set user data of the current Part.
         http_mime_Part_setUserData(i_pPart: pPartUserData);


     P HTTPDataSink_startPart...
     P                 E
      * =====================================================================
      *   Receices MIME part body data.
      *   This procedure is called whenever new body data is available.
      * =====================================================================
      *   Parameters:
      *     i_pPart            Handle of the current part.
      *     i_pUserData        Pointer to user data as specified at
      *                        http_mime_DataSink_initialize().
      *     i_data             Pointer to decoded body data.
      *     i_size             Size of decoded body data.
      * =====================================================================
     P HTTPDataSink_bodyData...
     P                 B
     D HTTPDataSink_bodyData...
     D                 PI
     D  i_pPart                        *   const
     D  i_pUserData                    *   const
     D  i_data                         *   const
     D  i_size                       10I 0 const
      * -------------------------------------------
      *  TODO: Add fields to write
      *        the attachment to the file
      *        opened in HTTPDataSink_startPart().
      * -------------------------------------------
     D rc              S             10I 0 inz
     D partUserData    DS                  likeds(partUserData_t )
     D                                     based(pPartUserData)
      * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

         if (g_doParseSOAPMessage);
            XMLSAXParser_parse(g_hSAXParser: i_data: i_size);

         // -----------------------------------------
         // TODO:
         // Add your code to handle attachments here|
         // E.g.: Write received data to output file.
         // -----------------------------------------

         // Gain access to the user data of the current Part.
         pPartUserData = http_mime_Part_getUserData(i_pPart);
         if (pPartUserData = *NULL);

         // Return to caller if no file is open.
         if (partUserData.FD <= 0);

         // Append attachment data to the file.
         rc = write(partUserData.FD: i_data: i_size);


     P HTTPDataSink_bodyData...
     P                 E
      * =====================================================================
      *   Ends a MIME body part.
      *   This procedure is called whenever a new part ends.
      * =====================================================================
      *   Parameters:
      *     i_pPart            Handle of the current part.
      *     i_pUserData        Pointer to user data as specified at
      *                        http_mime_DataSink_initialize().
      * =====================================================================
     P HTTPDataSink_endPart...
     P                 B
     D HTTPDataSink_endPart...
     D                 PI
     D  i_pPart                        *   const
     D  i_pUserData                    *   const
      * -------------------------------------------
      *  TODO: Add fields to close the file
      *        opened in HTTPDataSink_startPart().
      * -------------------------------------------
     D rc              S             10I 0 inz
     D partUserData    DS                  likeds(partUserData_t )
     D                                     based(pPartUserData)
      * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

         if (http_mime_Part_getType(i_pPart) <> cMIME_BASICPART);

         if (g_doParseSOAPMessage);
            g_doParseSOAPMessage = cFalse;
            g_SOAPMessage_done   = cTrue;

         // -----------------------------------------
         // TODO:
         // Add your code to handle attachments here|
         // E.g.: Close output file.
         // -----------------------------------------

         // Gain access to the user data of the current Part.
         pPartUserData = http_mime_Part_getUserData(i_pPart);
         if (pPartUserData = *NULL);

         // Return to caller if no file is open.
         if (partUserData.FD <= 0);

         // Close the file.
         callp close(partUserData.FD);
         partUserData.FD = 0;

         // Free memory allocated in HTTPDataSink_startPart()
         dealloc(N) pPartUserData;


     P HTTPDataSink_endPart...
     P                 E
      * =====================================================================
      *   SOAP message: Envelope
      * =====================================================================
     P SOAPMessage_Envelope...
     P                 B
     D SOAPMessage_Envelope...
     D                 PI
     D   userdata                      *   value
     D   depth                       10I 0 value
     D   namespace                 1024A   varying const
     D   name                      1024A   varying const
     D   path                     24576A   varying const
     D   attrs                         *   dim(32767)
     D                                     const options(*varsize)
      * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

         if (depth = 1 and f_lcase(name) = 'html');
            if (f_exist('WSDL2RPG': '*LIBL': '*MSGF'));
               clear USR0030;
               USR00301 = cWEB_SERVICE_PORT;
               AppMsg_sendCancelMsg(AppMsg_newError('USR0030': USR0030));
                              : 'Unexpected HTML data received from web service'
                              : '*ESCAPE'
                              : 'QCPFMSG'));

         when (path = '/Envelope/Header');
               : %paddr('SOAPMessage_unexpectedElementStart')
               : %paddr('SOAPMessage_unexpectedElementEnd'));

         when (path = '/Envelope/Body');

            when (name = 'Fault');
                  : %paddr('SOAPMessage_FaultStart')
                  : %paddr('SOAPMessage_FaultEnd'));

            when (MultiRef_isData(attrs));
                  : MultiRef_getStartCallback()
                  : MultiRef_getEndCallback());

                  : %paddr('impl_getProfilesRpcStart')
                  : %paddr('impl_getProfilesRpcEnd'));



     P SOAPMessage_Envelope...
     P                 E
      * =====================================================================
      *   SOAP message: fault information
      * =====================================================================
     P SOAPMessage_FaultStart...
     P                 B
     D SOAPMessage_FaultStart...
     D                 PI
     D   userdata                      *   value
     D   depth                       10I 0 value
     D   namespace                 1024A   varying const
     D   name                      1024A   varying const
     D   path                     24576A   varying const
     D   attrs                         *   dim(32767)
     D                                     const options(*varsize)
     D fault...
     D                 DS                  based(userdata)
     D                                     likeds(wsdl_soapFault_t )
      * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

         if (depth = 1);

         when (name = 'detail');
               : %paddr('SOAPMessage_FaultDetailStart')
               : %paddr('SOAPMessage_FaultDetailEnd'));

     P SOAPMessage_FaultStart...
     P                 E
      * =====================================================================
      *   SOAP message: fault information
      * =====================================================================
     P SOAPMessage_FaultEnd...
     P                 B
     D SOAPMessage_FaultEnd...
     D                 PI
     D   userdata                      *   value
     D   depth                       10I 0 value
     D   namespace                 1024A   varying const
     D   name                      1024A   varying const
     D   path                     24576A   varying const
     D   value                    65535A   varying const
     D   attrs                         *   dim(32767)
     D                                     const options(*varsize)
     D fault...
     D                 DS                  based(userdata)
     D                                     likeds(wsdl_soapFault_t )
      * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

         if (depth = 1);

         when (name = 'faultcode');
            fault.code = value;
         when (name = 'faultstring');
            fault.string = value;

     P SOAPMessage_FaultEnd...
     P                 E
      * =====================================================================
      *   SOAP message: fault details
      * =====================================================================
     P SOAPMessage_FaultDetailStart...
     P                 B
     D SOAPMessage_FaultDetailStart...
     D                 PI
     D   userdata                      *   value
     D   depth                       10I 0 value
     D   namespace                 1024A   varying const
     D   name                      1024A   varying const
     D   path                     24576A   varying const
     D   attrs                         *   dim(32767)
     D                                     const options(*varsize)
     D detail...
     D                 DS                  based(userdata)
     D                                     likeds(wsdl_soap_faultDetail_t)
      * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

         if (depth = 1);


     P SOAPMessage_FaultDetailStart...
     P                 E
      * =====================================================================
      *   SOAP message: fault details
      * =====================================================================
     P SOAPMessage_FaultDetailEnd...
     P                 B
     D SOAPMessage_FaultDetailEnd...
     D                 PI
     D   userdata                      *   value
     D   depth                       10I 0 value
     D   namespace                 1024A   varying const
     D   name                      1024A   varying const
     D   path                     24576A   varying const
     D   value                    65535A   varying const
     D   attrs                         *   dim(32767)
     D                                     const options(*varsize)
     D detail...
     D                 DS                  based(userdata)
     D                                     likeds(wsdl_soap_faultDetail_t)
      * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

         if (depth = 1);

         when (name = 'hostname');
            detail.hostname = value;

     P SOAPMessage_FaultDetailEnd...
     P                 E
      * =====================================================================
      *   SOAP message: NULL callback procedure
      * =====================================================================
     P SOAPMessage_unexpectedElementStart...
     P                 B
     D SOAPMessage_unexpectedElementStart...
     D                 PI
     D   userdata                      *   value
     D   depth                       10I 0 value
     D   namespace                 1024A   varying const
     D   name                      1024A   varying const
     D   path                     24576A   varying const
     D   attrs                         *   dim(32767)
     D                                     const options(*varsize)
      * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

         if (ignoreUnexpectedSoapHeader());
               'Warning: Received unexpected Soap header: <' + name + '>');

         if (f_exist('WSDL2RPG': '*LIBL': '*MSGF'));
            clear USR0042;
            USR00421 = 'SOAPMessage_unexpectedElementStart';
            USR00422 = 'SOAPMessage_unexpectedElementEnd';
            AppMsg_sendCancelMsg(AppMsg_newError('USR0042': USR0042));
                     : 'Unexpected Soap element received from web service.'
                     : '*ESCAPE'
                     : 'QCPFMSG'));


     P SOAPMessage_unexpectedElementStart...
     P                 E
      * =====================================================================
      *   SOAP message: NULL callback procedure
      * =====================================================================
     P SOAPMessage_unexpectedElementEnd...
     P                 B
     D SOAPMessage_unexpectedElementEnd...
     D                 PI
     D   userdata                      *   value
     D   depth                       10I 0 value
     D   namespace                 1024A   varying const
     D   name                      1024A   varying const
     D   path                     24576A   varying const
     D   value                    65535A   varying const
     D   attrs                         *   dim(32767)
     D                                     const options(*varsize)
      * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

         if (ignoreUnexpectedSoapHeader());
               'Warning: Received unexpected Soap header: ' + value);
               'Warning: Received unexpected Soap header: </' + name + '>');

         if (f_exist('WSDL2RPG': '*LIBL': '*MSGF'));
            clear USR0042;
            USR00421 = 'SOAPMessage_unexpectedElementStart';
            USR00422 = 'SOAPMessage_unexpectedElementEnd';
            AppMsg_sendCancelMsg(AppMsg_newError('USR0042': USR0042));
                     : 'Unexpected Soap element received from web service.'
                     : '*ESCAPE'
                     : 'QCPFMSG'));


     P SOAPMessage_unexpectedElementEnd...
     P                 E
      * =====================================================================
      *   Specifies, whether unexpected Soap headers are ignored or not.
      * =====================================================================
     P ignoreUnexpectedSoapHeader...
     P                 B
     D ignoreUnexpectedSoapHeader...
     D                 PI              N
      * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

         return cFalse;

     P ignoreUnexpectedSoapHeader...
     P                 E
      * =====================================================================
      *   Registers an user callback procedure, that is called whenever
      *   a web service requires user authentification.
      * =====================================================================
     P Inventory_registerLoginCallback...
     P                 B                   export
     D Inventory_registerLoginCallback...
     D                 PI
  D  D  i_pLoginProc                   *   value  procptr
      * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

         g_getLoginDataImpl = i_pLoginProc;


     P Inventory_registerLoginCallback...
     P                 E
      * =====================================================================
      *   Http: Returns the last HTTP error (code) that occurred.
      * =====================================================================
     P Inventory_isError...
     P                 B                   export
     D Inventory_isError...
     D                 PI              N
      * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

         if (g_errors.errType = WSDL_HTTP_SUCCESS);
            return cFalse;
            return cTrue;

     P Inventory_isError...
     P                 E
      * =====================================================================
      *   Http: Returns the last HTTP error (code) that occurred.
      * =====================================================================
     P Inventory_HttpError_getCode...
     P                 B                   export
     D Inventory_HttpError_getCode...
     D                 PI                  like(wsdl_http_ErrorNo_t  )
      * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

         return g_errors.httpError.no;

     P Inventory_HttpError_getCode...
     P                 E
      * =====================================================================
      *   Http: Returns the last HTTP error (text) that occurred.
      * =====================================================================
     P Inventory_HttpError_getText...
     P                 B                   export
     D Inventory_HttpError_getText...
     D                 PI                  like(wsdl_http_ErrorText_t)
      * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

         return g_errors.httpError.text;

     P Inventory_HttpError_getText...
     P                 E
      * =====================================================================
      *   Soap: Returns the last SOAP error (code) that occurred.
      * =====================================================================
     P Inventory_SoapError_getCode...
     P                 B                   export
     D Inventory_SoapError_getCode...
     D                 PI                  like(wsdl_soap_faultcode_t  )
      * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

         return g_errors.soapFault.code;

     P Inventory_SoapError_getCode...
     P                 E
      * =====================================================================
      *   Soap: Returns the last SOAP error (text) that occurred.
      * =====================================================================
     P Inventory_SoapError_getText...
     P                 B                   export
     D Inventory_SoapError_getText...
     D                 PI                  like(wsdl_soap_faultstring_t)
      * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

         return g_errors.soapFault.string;

     P Inventory_SoapError_getText...
     P                 E
      * =====================================================================
      *   XML: Returns the last XML error (code) that occurred.
      * =====================================================================
     P Inventory_XmlError_getCode...
     P                 B                   export
     D Inventory_XmlError_getCode...
     D                 PI                  like(wsdl_xml_ErrorNo_t    )
      * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

         return g_errors.xmlError.code;

     P Inventory_XmlError_getCode...
     P                 E
      * =====================================================================
      *   XML: Returns the last XML error (text) that occurred.
      * =====================================================================
     P Inventory_XmlError_getText...
     P                 B                   export
     D Inventory_XmlError_getText...
     D                 PI                  like(wsdl_xml_ErrorText_t  )
      * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

         return g_errors.xmlError.text;

     P Inventory_XmlError_getText...
     P                 E
      * =====================================================================
      *   Returns the file name of the attachment that is associated to
      *   a given content ID.
      * =====================================================================
     P Inventory_Attachments_get...
     P                 B                   export
     D Inventory_Attachments_get...
     D                 PI                  like(wsdl_path_t     )
     D  i_attachmentID...
     D                                     const  like(wsdl_attachmentID_t )
     D fileName        S                   like(wsdl_path_t     ) inz
      * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

         fileName = Attachments_get(Attachments_theInstance()
                                    : cSERVICE_UUID
                                    : i_attachmentID);
         return fileName;

     P Inventory_Attachments_get...
     P                 E
      * =====================================================================
      *   Returns the file name of the attachment that is associated to
      *   a given index.
      * =====================================================================
     P Inventory_Attachments_getAtPos...
     P                 B                   export
     D Inventory_Attachments_getAtPos...
     D                 PI                  likeds(wsdl_attachment_t )
     D  i_index                      10I 0 const
     D attachment      DS                  likeds(wsdl_attachment_t ) inz
      * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

         attachment = Attachments_getAtPos(Attachments_theInstance()
                                           : cSERVICE_UUID
                                           : i_index);
         return attachment;

     P Inventory_Attachments_getAtPos...
     P                 E
      * =====================================================================
      *   Returns the number of attachments that were downloaded with
      *   the last call of the web service.
      * =====================================================================
     P Inventory_Attachments_getNumE...
     P                 B                   export
     D Inventory_Attachments_getNumE...
     D                 PI            10I 0
     D numE            S             10I 0 inz
      * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

         numE = Attachments_getNumAttachments(Attachments_theInstance()
                                              : cSERVICE_UUID);
         return numE;

     P Inventory_Attachments_getNumE...
     P                 E
      * =====================================================================
      *   Removes all attachments from the list of attachments of
      *   this web service.
      * =====================================================================
     P Inventory_Attachments_removeAll...
     P                 B                   export
     D Inventory_Attachments_removeAll...
     D                 PI
      * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

                               : cSERVICE_UUID);

     P Inventory_Attachments_removeAll...
     P                 E
      * =====================================================================
    R *   *** private/experimental ***
      *   Enables/disables a workaround for Web services that are driven
      *   by Axis and that are affected by the AXIS-2095 bug.
      *   Export this procedure if you really need it.
      * =====================================================================
     P Inventory_enableAxis2095...
     P                 B
     D Inventory_enableAxis2095...
     D                 PI
     D  i_isEnabled                    N   const
      * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


         g_isAXIS_2095 = i_isEnabled;


     P Inventory_enableAxis2095...
     P                 E
      * =====================================================================
      *   Specifies the name of the folder where to put attachments in.
      * =====================================================================
     P Inventory_setAttachmentFolder...
     P                 B                   export
     D Inventory_setAttachmentFolder...
     D                 PI
     D  i_folder                   1024A   const  varying options(*varsize)
      * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

         g_attachmentFolder = i_folder;

         g_attachmentFolder = %trimR(%xlate('Ö': '/': g_attachmentFolder));
         if (not f_endsWith('/': g_attachmentFolder));
            g_attachmentFolder = g_attachmentFolder + '/';


     P Inventory_setAttachmentFolder...
     P                 E
      * =====================================================================
      *   Starts the Log4rpg logging service.
      * =====================================================================
     P Inventory_startLoggingService...
     P                 B                   export
     D Inventory_startLoggingService...
     D                 PI
     D  i_path                             const  like(LOG4RPG_path_t   )
     D                                            options(*nopass)
     D  i_waitMinutes                10I 0 const  options(*nopass)
     D  i_unit                       10A   const  options(*nopass)
      *  Parameter positions
     D p_path          C                   1
     D p_waitMinutes   C                   2
     D p_unit          C                   3
      * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


         when (%parms() >= p_unit);
                                                i_path: i_waitMinutes: i_unit);
         when (%parms() >= p_waitMinutes);
                                                i_path: i_waitMinutes);
         when (%parms() >= p_path);


     P Inventory_startLoggingService...
     P                 E
      * =====================================================================
      *   Web service: Enables/disables the debug log of HTTP API
      * =====================================================================
     P Inventory_setHttpDebug...
     P                 B                   export
     D Inventory_setHttpDebug...
     D                 PI
     D   i_status                      N   const
     D   i_fileName                 500A   const  varying  options(*nopass)
      *  Parameter positions
     D p_fileName      C                   2
      * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

         g_httpDebug.status = i_status;

         if (%parms() >= p_fileName);
            g_httpDebug.fileName = i_fileName;
            g_httpDebug.fileName = HTTP_API_DEFAULT_LOG_FILE;

         if (i_status);


     P Inventory_setHttpDebug...
     P                 E
      * =====================================================================
      *   Web service: Sets the proxy server to use for the connection
      * =====================================================================
     P Inventory_setProxy...
     P                 B                   export
     D Inventory_setProxy...
     D                 PI
     D  i_server                    256A   const
     D  i_port                       10I 0 const
      * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

         g_proxy.server = i_server;
         g_proxy.port   = i_port;


     P Inventory_setProxy...
     P                 E
      * =====================================================================
      *   Web service: Returns the endpoint of the Web service
      * =====================================================================
     P Inventory_getEndpoint...
     P                 B                   export
     D Inventory_getEndpoint...
     D                 PI         32767A          varying
      * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

         return g_url;

     P Inventory_getEndpoint...
     P                 E
      * =====================================================================
      *   Web service: Sets the endpoint of the Web service
      * =====================================================================
     P Inventory_setEndpoint...
     P                 B                   export
     D Inventory_setEndpoint...
     D                 PI
     D  i_url                     32767A   const varying  options(*varsize)
      * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

         g_url = %subst(i_url: 1: %len(i_url));


     P Inventory_setEndpoint...
     P                 E
      * =====================================================================
      *   Web service: Returns the host name of the Web Service endpoint
      * =====================================================================
     P Inventory_getHost...
     P                 B                   export
     D Inventory_getHost...
     D                 PI         32767A          varying
     D tmpUrl          S                   like(url_t ) inz
      * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

         tmpUrl = URL_new(g_url);

         return URL_getHost(tmpUrl);

     P Inventory_getHost...
     P                 E
      * =====================================================================
      *   Web service: Sets the host name of the Web service endpoint
      * =====================================================================
     P Inventory_setHost...
     P                 B                   export
     D Inventory_setHost...
     D                 PI
     D  i_host                    32767A   const varying  options(*varsize)
     D tmpUrl          S                   like(url_t ) inz
      * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

         tmpUrl = URL_new(g_url);
         URL_setHost(tmpUrl: %subst(i_host: 1: %len(i_host)));
         g_url = URL_toString(tmpUrl);


     P Inventory_setHost...
     P                 E
      * =====================================================================
      *   Web service: Returns the port of the Web Service endpoint
      * =====================================================================
     P Inventory_getPort...
     P                 B                   export
     D Inventory_getPort...
     D                 PI            10I 0
     D tmpUrl          S                   like(url_t ) inz
      * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

         tmpUrl = URL_new(g_url);

         return URL_getPort(tmpUrl);

     P Inventory_getPort...
     P                 E
      * =====================================================================
      *   Web service: Sets the port of the Web service endpoint
      * =====================================================================
     P Inventory_setPort...
     P                 B                   export
     D Inventory_setPort...
     D                 PI
     D  i_port                       10I 0 const
     D tmpUrl          S                   like(url_t ) inz
      * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

         tmpUrl = URL_new(g_url);
         URL_setPort(tmpUrl: i_port);
         g_url = URL_toString(tmpUrl);


     P Inventory_setPort...
     P                 E
----Original Message-----
Date: Fri, 19 Aug 2011 11:22:40 +0200
From: thomas.raddatz@xxxxxx
Subject: RE: Ftpapi Digest, Vol 62, Issue 20
To: ftpapi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"


It seems as if "getProfilesReturn" is defined as an array of "anyType".
That means that the web service can return any type of data in that array.
Therefore WSDL2RPG cannot forecast what type of information the web
service will return and hence cannot generate code for it. What you got
back from the web service is a map of key/value pairs.

Unfortunately in that case it is up to you to parse the map and to
retrieve the values from it. If I was you I would enrich the generated
stub module with the missing code. Perhaps you want to follow these steps
to understand what the stub does and how to get the values of the map out
of the response message:

1) Change "impl_item_of_anyType_t" to a data structure likes this (and
compile the stub):

     D impl_item_of_anyType_t...
     D                 DS                  template
     D  x                            10I 0
     D  key                          64A
     D  value                       256A
     D impl_RpgArrayOfArrayOf_xsd_anyType_t...
     D                 DS                  template
     D                                     qualified
     D  x                            10I 0
     D  item                               likeds(impl_item_of_anyType_t)
     D                                     dim(DIM_A1)

2) Start the debugger for the stub (service program?)
3) Add a breakpoint to procedure

When the debugger stops here with depth=1, "name" should contain "
For depth=2 it should contain "item" and for depth=3 it should contain
"key" or "value".
The same thing should be true for step 3 below.

4) Add a breakpoint to procedure

As you can see, this procedure already contains the code to increment the
array index of "impl_getProfilesReturn" (but we only expect to get a
single element):

   impl_getProfilesReturn.x = impl_getProfilesReturn.x + 1;

But it lacks the statements needed to retrieve the data because it does
not now the type of data because of "anyType". The missing statements
should look similar to (not sure about the namespace value):

         when (depth = 2
                name = 'item'

                namespace = 'urn:Inventory');
               // Increment index of map
               currentItem.x = currentItem.x + 1;

         when (depth = 3
                name = 'key'
                namespace = 'urn:Inventory');
 B02        if (not Value_isNil(attrs));
               x = currentItem.x;
                  : %addr(currentItem.key(x): *DATA)
                  : %size(currentItem.key(x))
                  : itemValue.pData
                  : itemValue.size);
 E02        endif;

         when (depth = 3
                name = 'value'
                namespace = 'urn:Inventory');
 B02        if (not Value_isNil(attrs));
               x = currentItem.x;
                  : %addr(currentItem.value(x): *DATA)
                  : %size(currentItem.value(x))
                  : itemValue.pData
                  : itemValue.size);
 E02        endif;

Before changing the code you may just add the breakpoints and run the
program to see what happens. Especially look at the contents of "name",
"depth", "itemValue.pData" and "itemValue.size". You can see the value
addressed by "itemValue.pData" like this:

  eval itemValue.pData :x 64


  eval itemValue.pData :c 64

Please have in mind that all I could do was to look at the stub and the
debug log as provided by you. I had no chance to verify or even test my
suggestions. Hence it is very likely that some details (or assumptions)
may be wrong.

Last but not least another option is to download the WSDL file and to
modify it to reflect the actual structure of the data returned by the web
service. Then WSDL2RPG could generate a new stub from the modified WSDL

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