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Getting Error HTTP/1.1 501 Not Implemented.

Good Morning Everybody,

I'm new to using the HTTPAPI. I searched for this error in the mailing
list first but did not anything, so I decided to post this asking for
some help.

- What I'm trying to do is post an address to the USPS to get the zip code.

- I modeled my program GETZIPCODE after EXAMPLE5. Here is the code
that's running....

     c                   eval      *inlr = *on

DAW1 c
DAW1  /free
DAW1   //Construct the XML document.
DAW1   data = '<AddressValidateRequest%20USERID="400MCKES0921">' +
DAW1          '<Address ID="0">' +
DAW1          '<Address1></Address1><Addreess2>6406 Ivy Lane</Address2>' +
DAW1          '<City>Greenbelt</City><State>MD</State><Zip5></Zip5><Zip4>' +
DAW1          '</Zip4></Address></AddressValidateRequest>';
DAW1   //Construct the URL with the XML.
DAW1   rc = http_url_post_raw(
DAW1        'http://testing.shippingapis.com/' +
DAW1        'ShippingAPITest.dll?API=Verify&XML=' :
DAW1        %addr(data):
DAW1        %len(%trimr(data)):
DAW1        1:
DAW1        %paddr('INCOMING'));
DAW1   //Check for error.
DAW1   if rc <> 1;
DAW1     msg = http_error;
DAW1     dsply msg;
DAW1   //return;
DAW1   endif;
DAW1   //Convert the received data to EBCDIC character set.
DAW1   if retlen > 1;
DAW1     http_xlate(retlen : retdata : TO_EBCDIC);
DAW1   endif;
DAW1   return;

- Here is the error returned...

 Job 280312/DWHITE/QPADEV005Z held by user DWHITE with option SPLFILE(*NO)
 Job 280312/DWHITE/QPADEV005Z released by user DWHITE.
 DSPLY  HTTP/1.1 501 Not Implemented

- When I post this via the browser (Chrome) it works fine...


Anybody see what I'm doing wrong?


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