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Re: Example 18 and an Unparsed Character Response

Hiya Kim,

If you run your document through HTTPAPI's XML parser (for example, if 
you call http_url_post_xml, as shown in EXAMPLE18) you should get back 
the contents of <DeliverContentResult> as one big XML string containing 
the whole payload (XML elements and all)

HTTPAPI (or, more correctly, Expat) should've already converted all of 
the &lt; &gt; and &amp; entities into their corresponding charaters, so 
when you view your 'value' parameter, it should look like a normal XML 

Just save that data to disk -- and parse it with http_parse_xml_stmf (or 
use another parser like XML-INTO or XML-SAX) and it should parse very 

Here's an example (an old example from 2008 that's still online) of that 
type of logic:


If you're having a hard time understanding, maybe try loading/running 
that program.  It'll show you each step.  First it'll show you the raw 
XML (with the &lt; &gt; etc) and then I'll show you the "inner XML" it 
extracts from that raw XML.  And then it'll parse out the information 
from it.

(Assuming the example still works?  I haven't looked at it in years.)

On 12/10/2010 3:49 PM, Kim Gibson wrote:
> Hello, everyone!
> I'm using Example 18 of HTTPAPI to consume a web service that returns
> prescription data on a client (we are an insurance company).
> The web service requires that the data is sent in a soap wrapper, and
> that the main request (variable strVar), is unparsed. Here is what my
> SOAP request looks like:
> SOAP =
>   '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>'
> +'<soapenv:Envelope '
> +%trim('    xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/";')
> +' xmlns:eos="http://QuestWebServices/EOService";>'
> +'<soapenv:Header />'
> +'<soapenv:Body>'
> +'<eos:DeliverExamOneContent>'
> +'<eos:username>username</eos:username>'
> +'<eos:password>password</eos:password>'
> +'<eos:destinationID>RX</eos:destinationID>'
> +'<eos:payload><![CDATA['
> + %trim(strVar)
> +']]></eos:payload>'
> +'</eos:DeliverExamOneContent>'
> +'</soapenv:Body>'
> +'</soapenv:Envelope>';
> This is working very well, but it's the response (INCOMING) I need to
> ask your advice on.
> In the response, the data I want is in an unparsed piece between the
> tags<DeliverContentResult>  and</DeliverContentResult>. I was hoping it
> would be returned as nicely formatted XML, but that's not the case. The
> response looks like this--
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><soap:Envelope
> xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/";
> xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance";
> xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema";><soap:Body><DeliverContentR
> esponse xmlns="http://somewebservice/service";>
> <DeliverContentResult>
> &lt;ReturnValues&gt;&lt;TransactionID&gt;7106c824-6cbd-4dec-aacd-94745f3
> a5802&lt;/TransactionID&gt;&lt;ResponseCode&gt;1&lt;/ResponseCode&gt;&lt
> ;ResponseCodeText&gt;Route completed
> successfully&lt;/ResponseCodeText&gt;&lt;ResponseMessage&gt;&lt;TXLife
> xmlns="http://ACORD.org/Standards/Life/2";
> xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance";
> xsi:schemaLocation="http://ACORD.org/Standards/Life/2
> TXLife2.19.00.xsd"&gt;&lt;TXLifeRequest
> PrimaryObjectID="ID_1"&gt;&lt;TransRefGUID&gt;TES099912301-2010-12-0616:
> 24:41&lt;/TransRefGUID&gt;&lt;TransType tc="1122"&gt;General Requirement
> Status/Results
> Transmittal&lt;/TransType&gt;&lt;TransExeDate&gt;2010-12-10&lt;/TransExe
> Date&gt;&lt;TransExeTime&gt;15:21:12&lt;/TransExeTime&gt;&lt;TransMode
> tc="2"&gt;Original&lt;/TransMode&gt;&lt;NoResponseOK tc="1"
> /&gt;&lt;OLifE&gt;&lt;SourceInfo&gt;&lt;SourceInfoName&gt;DataCentral&lt
> ;/SourceInfoName&gt;&lt;/SourceInfo&gt;&lt;Party
> id="ID_1"&gt;&lt;PartyTypeCode
> tc="1"&gt;Person&lt;/PartyTypeCode&gt;&lt;PartyKey&gt;ID_1&lt;/PartyKey&
> gt;&lt;GovtID&gt;123456789&lt;/GovtID&gt;&lt;Person&gt;&lt;FirstName&gt;
> KIMBERLEE&lt;/FirstName&gt;&lt;LastName&gt;TESTINGTHIS&lt;/LastName&gt;&
> lt;BirthDate&gt;1944-10-12&lt;/BirthDate&gt;&lt;/Person&gt;&lt;Address&g
> t;&lt;AddressTypeCode
> tc="1"&gt;Home&lt;/AddressTypeCode&gt;&lt;Zip&gt;83605&lt;/Zip&gt;&lt;/A
> ddress&gt;&lt;Carrier /&gt;&lt;Risk&gt;&lt;PrescriptionDataStatus
> tc="1"&gt;An order has already been sent, but our provider has not
> responded yet.  Please consult with your system admin for service
> hours.&lt;/PrescriptionDataStatus&gt;&lt;/Risk&gt;&lt;/Party&gt;&lt;/OLi
> fE&gt;&lt;/TXLifeRequest&gt;&lt;/TXLife&gt;&lt;/ResponseMessage&gt;&lt;/
> ReturnValues&gt;
> </DeliverContentResult></DeliverContentResponse></soap:Body></soap:Envel
> ope>
> Do you have any suggestions for parsing this unparsed data? There's
> probably some really cool API or something that I'm not aware of?
> Thanks so much for your feedback---I've gotten SO much use out of
> HTTPAPI, and since attending Scott's classes at COMMON last Spring in
> Orlando, my boss is now on board with HTTPAPI, too!
> Kim Gibson
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