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HTTP Error 500

   I'm getting a 500 error and I _think_ it may be the last parm in the
   http_post_xml that is the issue as it is the only one that differs
   from the original example.  In the original the last parm was a URL.
   In mine it is a this urn reference.

           SOAP = '<soapenv:Envelope +

   xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"; +
                     xmlns:web="http://[1]www.webservicex.net";> +
                     <soapenv:Header/> +
                     <soapenv:Body> +
                        <xsd:getdescr_XML> +
                           <xsd:param0> +
                              <xsd:_CATCODE>' +
                              catCode +
                             '</xsd:_CATCODE>  +
                              <xsd:_PRODCODE>' +
                              prodCode +
                             '</xsd:_PRODCODE> +
                           </xsd:param0> +
                        </xsd:getdescr_XML> +
                     </soapenv:Body> +
           http_setCCSIDs(1208: 0);
           rc = http_post_xml(
                             : %addr(SOAP) + VARYINGDATAOFFSET
                             : %len(SOAP)
                             : *NULL
                             : %paddr(MapXmlData)
                             : %addr(description)
                             : HTTP_TIMEOUT
                             : HTTP_USERAGENT
                             : 'text/xml; charset=UTF-8'
                             : '"[2]urn:getdescr"' );

   This is the soap as used by SoapUI - which works just fine.
   Any suggestions?
   Jon Paris


   1. http://www.webservicex.net/
   2. urn:getdescr
   3. http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/
   4. http://getdescrf.wsbeans.iseries/xsd
   5. http://www.Partner400.com/
   6. http://www.SystemiDeveloper.com/
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