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Re: Error HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found


On 3/8/2010 1:16 PM, Thomas Raddatz wrote:
> On my PC "ping www.mondialrelay.es" returns "" which is far
> different from what you added to your host table.

Interesting.  When I look up www.mondialrelay.es, I get this:

    www.mondialrelay.es is an alias for www.mondialrelay.fr.
    www.mondialrelay.fr has address

Verifying connection to host system www.mondialrelay.fr at address

So the number I'm getting is the same as ONE of the numbers that Luis is 
receiving, and is completely different from the one Thomas is getting.

This would appear to be a dynamic IP address -- one that changes 
frequently.  A host table entry is not going to work for this domain, 
you're going to have to use DNS rather than the host table.
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