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Posting pdf file

   Hello all,

   Iam trying to find an example for doing the following - call web
   service that includes a pdf file in base64 the pdf file can be as long
   as 2 to 3 mb. The result is straight forward (i.e it can be handeled
   by the xpat handling procedure.

   since the longest variable length is 65535 bytes i thought on the

   * Create temporary ifs file (http_tempfile ?)

   * write header of soap to the ifs file

   * write encoded base64 of the pdf file to the ifs file.

   * write footer of soap message.

   * run the web service from the stream file.

   Did anybody tried this ?

   What is the api to use in order to send request with soapaction using
   stream file and getting response to xpat procedure ?

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