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UPS XML ErrorDescription.


   In short, I am trying to retrieve the value of ErrorDescription from
   UPS.  The name is never found in the path.

   Below is the sections of code that is causing me difficulty:  Green
   works and Red doesn't work.

   DUPSErrorCode     S             15A

   DUPSErrorDesc     S             50A   VARYING

   If path = '/RatingServiceSelectionResponse/Response/Error';

     If name = 'ErrorCode';

       Eval UPSErrorCode = value;


     If name = 'ErrorDescription';

       Eval UPSErrorDesc = value;



   This process finds name "ErrorCode" and populates UPSErrorCode but the
   name "ErrorDescription" is never found and thus nothing is ever in
   field UPSErrorDesc.

   This is the log file that shows the path of both and the value of

   SetError() #13: HTTP/1.1 200 OK

   recvdoc parms: identity 398

   header_load_cookies() entered

   recvdoc(): entered

   SetError() #0:

   <?xml version="1.0"?>

   orCode><ErrorDescription>ZZ is not a valid unit of measurement for
   dimensions for this

   http_close(): entered

   Here is the XML part formatted for easier reading.








         <ErrorDescription>ZZ is not a valid unit of measurement for
   dimensions for this shipment</ErrorDescription>




   Can anyone shed any light to why it would work for name "ErrorCode"
   but not "ErrorDescription"?  I purposely put ZZ in for the Units of
   Measure to have it come back in error.
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