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Error 415 - Unsupported Media Type


I forwarded this error description to the HTTP API mailing list because I am stuck. The problem is that I receive a HTTP 415 error when calling the "CountryCode" operation of the "CountryInfoService" web service at http://www.oorsprong.org.

I attached the following debug information:

a) GIAN001
   Generated WSDL2RPG web service stub, compiled and linked as a service program

b) GIAN001T
   Test program to call the web service. Binds to GIAN001.

c) gian001.log
   HTTP API debug log.

d) crtWsStubCmd.txt
   WSDL2RPG command to generate GIAN001

e) Gianluca CountryName-soapui-project.xml
   soapUI (v2.5.1) test project to call "CountryCode".

f) soapUI_http.log
   soapUI http log.

I do not see any major differences between the soapUI http log and the HTTP API debug log. At least I do not think that the different HTTP versions at the POST operation are responsible for the 415 error. I also assume that the 415 error is not related to the missing "Header" element in http request of GIAN001.

I already played around with changing the SOAP action to "". I also changed the content type from "text/xml" to "text/xml;charset=UTL-8" with no success. At least I added the "Header" element to the http request of GIAN001. Guess what? No success.

Last but not least you should know that I have to use a proxy server to call the web service because our System i is not directly connected to the Internet.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



Attachment: Error415.zip
Description: Zip archive

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Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

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