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Rif: Re: http_url_post

   Thank you all guy,
   can I run INSTALL also if I have HTTPAPI installed yet?

   Scott Klement <sk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
   Inviato da: ftpapi-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

   17/03/2009 19.02
   Per favore, rispondere a HTTPAPI and FTPAPI Projects

           Per:        HTTPAPI and FTPAPI Projects
           Oggetto:        Re: http_url_post

   Hi Roberto,
   You've compiled HTTPAPI without support for SSL.
   Run the INSTALL program that comes with HTTPAPI, and answer Y to the
   questions about SSL support.
   Good luck.
   Roberto Tempesti wrote:
   >    Hi all,
   >    I trying to use http_url_post with UPS SSL service
   >    This is the code:
   >           ConfirmRequest = '<?xml version="1.0"?>' + CRLF +
   >                  '<AccessRequest xml:lang="en-US">' + CRLF +
   >               '<UserId>XXXXXXX</UserId>' + CRLF +
   >               '<Password>XXXXXXX</Password>' + CRLF +
   >               '</AccessRequest>' + CRLF +
   >               '<?xml version="1.0"?>' + CRLF +
   >               '<ShipmentConfirmRequest>' + CRLF +
   >               '<Request>' + CRLF +
   >                  '<RequestAction>ShipConfirm</RequestAction>' + CRLF
   >               '<RequestOption>nonvalidate</RequestOption>' + CRLF +
   >               '</Request>' + CRLF +
   >                  '<Shipment>' + CRLF +
   >                  '<Shipper>' + CRLF +
   >               '<Name>Paco Srl</Name>' + CRLF +
   >               '<AttentionName>Export Office</AttentionName>' + CRLF
   >               '<ShipperNumber>3FE636</ShipperNumber>' + CRLF +
   >               '<PhoneNumber>12345679878</PhoneNumber>' + CRLF +
   >               '<Address>' + CRLF +
   >               '<AddressLine1>Via F. Baracca</AddressLine1>' + CRLF +
   >               '<City>Prato</City>' + CRLF +
   >               '<PostalCode>59100</PostalCode>' + CRLF +
   >               '<CountryCode>IT</CountryCode>' + CRLF +
   >               '</Address>' + CRLF +
   >               '</Shipper>' + CRLF +
   >               '<ShipTo>' + CRLF +
   >               '<CompanyName>UPS Italia Srl</CompanyName>' + CRLF +
   >               '<AttentionName>Mr Carmine Zumpano</AttentionName>' +
   >    +
   >               '<PhoneNumber>123456789</PhoneNumber>' + CRLF +
   >               '<Address>' + CRLF +
   >               '<AddressLine1>Via Raspini, 1</AddressLine1>' + CRLF +
   >               '<City>Torino</City>' + CRLF +
   >               '<PostalCode>10036</PostalCode>' + CRLF +
   >               '<CountryCode>IT</CountryCode>' + CRLF +
   >               '</Address>' + CRLF +
   >               '</ShipTo>' + CRLF +
   >               '<PaymentInformation>' + CRLF +
   >               '<Prepaid>' + CRLF +
   >               '<BillShipper>' + CRLF +
   >               '<AccountNumber>3FE636</AccountNumber>' + CRLF +
   >               '</BillShipper>' + CRLF +
   >               '</Prepaid>' + CRLF +
   >               '</PaymentInformation>' + CRLF +
   >               '<Service>' + CRLF +
   >               '<Code>07</Code>' + CRLF +
   >               '</Service>' + CRLF +
   >               '<Package>' + CRLF +
   >               '<PackagingType>' + CRLF +
   >               '<Code>02</Code>' + CRLF +
   >               '</PackagingType>' + CRLF +
   >               '<PackageWeight>' + CRLF +
   >               '<Weight>5</Weight>' + CRLF +
   >               '</PackageWeight>' + CRLF +
   >               '</Package>' + CRLF +
   >               '<Description>Test Xml Shipping</Description>' + CRLF
   >               '</Shipment>' + CRLF +
   >               '<LabelSpecification>' + CRLF +
   >               '<LabelPrintMethod>' + CRLF +
   >               '<Code>GIF</Code>' + CRLF +
   >               '</LabelPrintMethod>' + CRLF +
   >               '<HTTPUserAgent>Explorer</HTTPUserAgent>' + CRLF +
   >               '<LabelImageFormat>' + CRLF +
   >               '<Code>GIF</Code>' + CRLF +
   >               '</LabelImageFormat>' + CRLF +
   >               '</LabelSpecification>' + CRLF +
   >               '</ShipmentConfirmRequest>' + CRLF;
   >           // XML di Confirm Request - Fine definizione
   >           URL = 'https://wwwcie.ups.com/ups.app/xml/ShipConfirm';
   >           rc = http_url_post(%trim(url)
   >                              :%addr(ConfirmRequest)
   >                              :%len(%trim(ConfirmRequest))
   >                              :'/ups/httptest.html');
   >           if rc <> 1;
   >             msg = http_error;
   >             dsply msg;
   >           endif;
   >    I got back this message:
   >    DSPLY  Only the http protocol is available
   >    Where am I wrong?
   >    Thanks in advance
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