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RE: error on HTTP_URL_POST

It's erroring out on the 'rc =' line of code rc is defined as:

D rc              s             10I 0

I've tried increasing it to 20i 0 with the same result. This program ran
just fine this morning, using the same set of parameters as this
afternoon. Wasn't re-compiled or touched in any way. Still can't
understand why it is suddenly crashing.

-----Original Message-----
From: Bob P. Roche [mailto:BRoche@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Friday, March 06, 2009 2:28 PM
To: HTTPAPI and FTPAPI Projects
Subject: Re: error on HTTP_URL_POST

That sounds like a standard error that one of your defined variables is
suddenly too small. Nothing specific to HTTPAPI

"Karl Woods" <Karl.Woods@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
"HTTPAPI and FTPAPI Projects" <ftpapi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
03/06/2009 03:24 PM
error on HTTP_URL_POST
Sent by:

I've been using HTTPAPI for a few months now with no problems, now all
of a sudden, I'm getting errors. My code looks like this:

         SOAP =
         '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>' +
         ' <soapenv:Envelope' +
         ' xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/";' +
         ' xmlns:ser="urn:DriverTech">' +
         ' <soapenv:Header>' +
         ' <ser:RequestHeader>' +
         ' <ser:CompanyCode>' +%trim(WScompany) + '</ser:CompanyCode>' +
         ' <ser:CustomerNumber>' + %trim(WSCustnum) +
'</ser:CustomerNumber>' +
         ' <ser:UserName>' + %trim(WSusername) + '</ser:UserName>' +
         ' <ser:Password>' + %trim(WSpassword) + '</ser:Password>' +
         ' <ser:DataStoreName>' + %trim(WSdtastore) +
'</ser:DataStoreName>' +
         ' <ser:RequestId></ser:RequestId>' +
         ' </ser:RequestHeader>' +
         ' </soapenv:Header>' +
         ' <soapenv:Body>' +
         ' <ser:ReportingRequest>' +
         ' <ser:RunParameters>' +
         ' <ser:RecipientList>';

       If PmTrk# = *Blanks or
          PmTrk# = '*ALL';
         SOAP = %Trim(SOAP) +
         ' <ser:RecipientType>AllTrucks</ser:RecipientType>';
         SOAP = %Trim(SOAP) +
         ' <ser:RecipientType>TruckNames</ser:RecipientType>' +
         ' <ser:Name>' + %Trim(PmTrk#) + '</ser:Name>';

       SOAP = %Trim(SOAP) +
         ' </ser:RecipientList>' +
         ' <ser:DateRange>' +
         ' <ser:StartDate>' + %trim(WSstrdate) + '</ser:StartDate>' +
         ' <ser:EndDate>'   + %trim(WSenddate) + '</ser:EndDate>' +
         ' </ser:DateRange>' +
         ' <ser:QueryByReceiptDate>true</ser:QueryByReceiptDate>' +
         ' </ser:RunParameters>' +
         ' <ser:ReportName>VehiclePerformance</ser:ReportName>' +
         ' </ser:ReportingRequest>' +
         ' </soapenv:Body>' +
         ' </soapenv:Envelope>';

       rc = http_url_post_xml(
            : %addr(SOAP) + 2
            : %len(SOAP)
            : %paddr(StartOfElement)
            : %paddr(EndOfElement)
            : *NULL
            : HTTP_TIMEOUT
            : HTTP_USERAGENT
            : 'text/xml; charset=utf-8'
            : 'ClientService/1.2.2/GetReport');

       if (rc <> 1);
              'Web Service GETEODROLL failed. ' +
              'Truck #: ' + %Trim(PmTrk#) +
              '  Start Date: ' + %Trim(PmStrDte) +
              '  End Date: ' + %Trim(PmEndDte) +
              '  See /tmp/httpapi_debug.txt');

I'm getting the following error message on rc = http_url_post_xml:

"The target for a numeric operation is too small to hold the result."

Any help would be appreciated.

Karl B. Woods 
Sr. Programmer/Analyst
DriverTech, LLC
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