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HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error ON SERVER RUNNING V5R3

   Ever time I run the attached program I get an error 500 Internal
   Server Error. Can anyone see what the problem may be?

   We started with Example18. FYI

   Maybe someone can point me into the right direction.



   Mark Sherwood
   SCJ Insurance Services
   Office Direct: 925.474.3653
   Direct Fax 925.474.3753
      *LIB LIBHTTP                                                                                  
      * Echo Service Company                                                                        
      *  This logs on to ADR                                                                        
      *  Copied from libhttp/qrpglesrc/WWW6416R1                                                    
     H*DFTACTGRP(*NO) BNDDIR('HTTPAPI':'QC2LE')                                                     
     D MVR6410         PR                  ExtPgm('MVR6410')                                        
      /copy httpapi_h                                                                               
     D Incoming        PR                                                                           
     D   String                   32767A   varying                                                  
     D   depth                       10I 0 value                                                    
     D   name                      1024A   varying const                                            
     D   path                     24576A   varying const                                            
     D   value                    65535A   varying const                                            
     D   attrs                         *   dim(32767)                                               
     D                                     const options(*varsize)                                  
     D Add_SOAPACTION  PR                                                                           
     D   Header                    1024A   varying                                                  
     D   UserData                      *   value                                                    
     D SOAP            s          32767A   varying                                                  
     D rc              s             10I 0                                                          
     D compid          s             10I 0                                                          
     D Result          s             12P 2                                                          
     D String          s          32767A   varying                                                  
     D Str             s             15A                                                            
     D e_BLOB          s          32500A                                                            
     D w_BLOB          s          32767A   VARYING                                                  
     D w_BLOBLEN       s              5  0                                                          
     D w_CC            s              5  0                                                          
     D w_PSW           s              6    INZ('XXX111')                                            
     D w_USER          s              2    INZ('SS')                                                
     D w_ACCT          s              5    INZ('X2525')                                             
     D w_NEWPSW        s              6    INZ('      ')                                            
     D w_reptype       s              7    INZ('MVR2000')                                           
      * Get the blob from the DB2 data base                                                         
     C                   CALL      'MVR6411'                                                        
     C                   PARM      *BLANKS       e_BLOB                                             
     C**     ' '           CHECKR    e_BLOB        w_CC                                             
     C                   EVAL      w_BLOBLEN = %LEN(%TRIM(e_BLOB))                                  
     C                   EVAL      %LEN(w_BLOB) = w_BLOBLEN                                         
     C                   EVAL      w_BLOB = %TRIM(e_BLOB)                                           
       //   %LEN(e_BLOB) = %CHECKR(' ':e_BLOB);                                                     
       //      compid=cmpid  ;                                                                      
       //        http_XmlStripCRLF(*ON);                                                            
       SOAP =                                                                                       
        '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>'                                                    
       +'    xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance";'                                 
       +'    xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema";'                                          
       +'    xmlns:SOAP="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/";>'                               
       +'    xmlns:t="http://www.mvrs.com/";>'                                                       
          // +'   <GetReport xmlns="http://www.mvrs.com/";>'                                         
       +'   <t:GetReport>'                                                                          
       +'     <t:Account>' + w_ACCT + '</t:Account>'                                                
       +'     <t:UserID>' + w_USER + '</t:UserID>'                                                  
       +'      <t:Password>' + w_PSW + '</t:Password>'                                              
       +'      <t:NewPassword>' + w_NEWPSW + '</t:NewPassword>'                                     
       +'      <t:Report>' + w_BLOB + '</t:Report>'                                                 
       +'      <t:ReportType>'                                                                      
       +'         <string>' + w_reptype + '<string>'                                                
       +'      </t:ReportType>'                                                                     
       +'   </t:GetReport>'                                                                         
       // +'      <Report>' + %TRIM(e_BLOB) + '</Report>'                                           
       // +'      <Report>' + %SUBST(e_BLOB:1:w_CC) + '</Report>'                                   
          HTTP_setCCSIDs(1208: 0);  // CCSID 1208 = UTF-8                                           
       //  This tells HTTPAPI to call our subprocedure (in this example,                            
       //  the subprocedure is name ADD_SOAPACTION) when assembling the                             
       //  HTTP headers to send to the remote server.                                               
            http_xproc( HTTP_POINT_ADDL_HEADER                                                      
                   : %paddr(Add_SOAPACTION) );                                                      
       rc = http_url_post_xml(                                                                      
                         : %addr(SOAP) + 2                                                          
                         : %len(SOAP)                                                               
                         : *NULL                                                                    
                         : %paddr(Incoming)                                                         
                         : %addr(String)                                                            
                         : HTTP_TIMEOUT                                                             
                         : HTTP_USERAGENT                                                           
                         : 'text/xml');                                                             
            //  :'http://www.lyonsreg.com/WebService/ATMService/Logon') ;                           
       if (rc <> 1);                                                                                
       //  http_comp(String);                                                                       
       // tokensr=%trim(String)  ;                                                                  
       // str='Its done!' ;                                                                         
       // http_comp(%trim(str)) ;                                                                   
       *inlr = *on;                                                                                 
     P Incoming        B                                                                            
     D Incoming        PI                                                                           
     D   String                   32767A   varying                                                  
     D   depth                       10I 0 value                                                    
     D   name                      1024A   varying const                                            
     D   path                     24576A   varying const                                            
     D   value                    65535A   varying const                                            
     D   attrs                         *   dim(32767)                                               
     D                                     const options(*varsize)                                  
          if (name = 'GetReportResult');                                                            
                 String = value;                                                                    
     P                 E                                                                            
      * HTTPAPI will call this (because we set it with http_xproc)                                  
      * just before sending the HTTP headers to the remote server.                                  
      * This procedure lets us add any header we like to the                                        
      * HTTP request.                                                                               
      * In this example, I'll use it to supply the SoapAction:                                      
      * header.  This way, I can supply a SOAPAction that's up to                                   
      * 1024 characters long.                                                                       
      * NOTE: Make sure you leave off the SOAPAction header on the                                  
      *       HTTP_url_post_xml, above, otherwise you'll send two                                   
      *       of them!                                                                              
     P Add_SOAPACTION  B                                                                            
     D Add_SOAPACTION  PI                                                                           
     D   Header                    1024A   varying                                                  
     D   UserData                      *   value                                                    
         Header = 'SOAPAction: '                                                                    
              + 'http://www.mvrs.com/GetReport'                                                     
                + x'0d25';                                                                          
     P                 E                                                                            
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