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FedEx Tracking information web service

   Hello everyone,

   I'm really new in the world of the web services; saying I want to know
   if anyone can guide in how can I use the FedEx web services to track a
   package. I already read part of FedEx documentation but I'm still very

   Specifically, when I call the web service, what the url that I should

   SOAP =

           '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>'



          +'    xmlns:v2="http://fedex.com/ws/track/v2";>'



          +'  <v2:TrackRequest>'

          +'     <v2:WebAuthenticationDetail>'

          +'        <v2:UserCredential>'

          +'           <v2:Key>'+ %trim(KEY) + '</v2:Key>'

          +'           <v2:Password>'+ %trim(PASSWORD) + '</v2:Password>'

          +'        </v2:UserCredential>'

          +'     </v2:WebAuthenticationDetail>'

          +'     <v2:ClientDetail>'

          +'        <v2:AccountNumber>'+ %trim(ACCOUNT) +

          +'        <v2:MeterNumber>'+ %trim(METER) + '</v2:MeterNumber>'

          +'        <v2:Localization>'

          +'           <v2:LanguageCode>'+ %trim(LANG) +

          +'        </v2:Localization>'

          +'     </v2:ClientDetail>'

          +'     <v2:Version>'

          +'        <v2:ServiceId>trck</v2:ServiceId>'

          +'        <v2:Major>2</v2:Major>'

          +'        <v2:Intermediate>0</v2:Intermediate>'

          +'        <v2:Minor>0</v2:Minor>'

          +'     </v2:Version>'

          +'     <v2:PackageIdentifier>'

          +'        <v2:Value>'+ %trim(Tracking) + '</v2:Value>'

          +'        <v2:Type>'+ %trim(PKG_IND) + '</v2:Type>'

          +'     </v2:PackageIdentifier>'

          +'  </v2:TrackRequest>'



   rc = http_url_post_xml(

                     'http:????? à what should go here.


   Pablo Wolff

   Senior Systems Analyst

   Optical Experts Manufacturing

   (704) 504-1877 Ext. 274

   Cell: (704) 975-3413

   2345 Township Road

   Charlotte, NC 28273
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