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Hi Ron,

> We were able to get this to work running a get request
> Test_101.xml&priority=5&mode=interactive
> With the post even though we see this going out, when we check the info from
> the servlet side, it shows nothing

I'm glad you got it working with GET.   Do you still want to get it 
working with POST?

Here's what I know about the situation:

a) I know that the POST function of HTTPAPI works, as I use it quite 

b) Your trace file shows that it's sending the data in accordance with the 
way POST is supposed to work.

c) It works with GET.

That sort of leaves me "stuck". If the data is indeed sent, then it 
should arrive on the other side. In TCP/IP this "just works". There's no 
weird situations (that I've ever encountered) where something is sent but 
not received.

So I really don't know how else I can help you, unless you can provide 
some new details that might matter, or give me access to experiment with 
your server.

Though, actually... I do remember one situation where someone claimed that 
"POST" didn't work in HTTPAPI.  The problem was that the server-side 
program expected all of the variables to be passed inside the URL -- a 
technique that's normally only used with GET requests -- but they were 
using it for both POST and GET requests.  Then, they were simply sending a 
zero-length file for upload as part of the POST request.  Essentially, 
they were making POST work exactly like GET -- they were doing all of this 
in JavaScript in an HTML document, and it worked great.  When the 
programmer tried HTTPAPI, it didn't work because he didn't understand what 
was happening, and tried to treat POST the way I used it in my examples 
(Which is the way POST is normally used) and that led to the server not 
"seeing" the data.

A very unusual situation, indeed!

That couldn't be what's happening in your scenario, could it?
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