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Re: Webservices via HTTPS with user/pass

Sender: "Mendoza, German   \(RCIS\)" <German.Mendoza@xxxxxxxx>

No, it isn't. I'm able to connect with a username/password to an https but I can't seem to call a web service after I'm connected.

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-ftpapi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <owner-ftpapi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: ftpapi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <ftpapi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Tue Feb 07 18:53:03 2006
Subject: RE: Webservices via HTTPS with user/pass

I have done something like this.  I place the user name/password in a data area and call it into my program and then place it properly spaced into the site I am calling.  Works great.  Is this what you are looking for?



From: owner-ftpapi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:owner-ftpapi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Mendoza, German (RCIS)
Sent: Tuesday, February 07, 2006 3:50 PM
To: ftpapi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Webservices via HTTPS with user/pass


Has anybody been able to call a web service via HTTPS and also supplying a username/password?  I have worked with EXAMPLE7 (Example of supplying USER/PASS to HTTP server) with a mixture of EXAMPLE3 (to initialize the SSL API’s) and been able to retrieve a page (via http_url_get) and save that to the IFS.  But can this be modified to use http_url_POST?


Here’s a sample snippet:

c                   eval      URL = 'https://dvcifyiapp1:563/default.aspx'

c                   eval      rc = http_url_get(URL: '/tmp/default.aspx')      

c                   if        rc <> 1                                      

c                   callp     http_error(err)                              

c                   if        err <> HTTP_NDAUTH                           

c                   eval      msg = HTTP_ERROR                             

c                   dsply                   msg                            

c                   return                                                 

c                   endif                                                  

 *--the getpasswd routine is in example7

c                   exsr      getpasswd                                    

c                   eval      rc = http_url_get(URL: '/tmp/default.aspx’)


This saves the file just fine… then I change the URL, modify the data, then do a url_post to call a web service:

c                   eval      URL = 'https://dvcifyiapp1:563' +           

c                                   '/CimaxReturnType_clsXMLReturn.asmx' +

c                                   '/LoadROList'                         

c                   eval      data = 'sintCropYear=2005&sintStateId=27&sintInsuranceType=11'

c                   eval      rc = http_url_post(URL : %addr(data) : %len(%trimr(data))

c                                                          : ‘/tmp/results.xml’ : HTTP_TIMEOUT : HTTP_USERAGENT 

c                                                          : ‘application/x-www-form-urlencoded’)


I get the HTTP 1.1/500 Internal Server error..


When I don’t use https with username/password to the same web service:

  data = 'sintCropYear=2005&sintStateId=27&sintInsuranceType=11';  

  rc = http_url_POST('http://dvcifyiapp1:8080/'                    

                   + 'CimaxReturnType_clsXMLReturn.asmx'           

                   + '/LoadROList'                                 

                   : %addr(data)                                   

                   : %len(%trimr(data))                            

                   : '/tmp/results.xml'                            

                   : HTTP_TIMEOUT                                  

                   : HTTP_USERAGENT                                

                   : 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');         


This works just fine and saves to results.xml on the IFS.





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