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Re: Web Service non Client

Sender: Scott Klement <sk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Yeah the client we work with will only send the documents
via a web service...

The term "web service" doesn't necessarily mean SOAP, though SOAP is getting more and more popular, there are still web services that don't use SOAP.

But, at any rate, I assume your client requires SOAP.

Well from all the documentation in WDSC and on the web you create a java program that actually calls an RPGLE Service program passing the parms which in this case is an actual XML Document. I even called iSeries support because i did not like the idea however thats what they tell me i have to do... Thats why i am trying to find out from others if anyone else has had this type of project to do.

I suspect that the Java program parses the SOAP envelope and then calls your RPG program. I guess what I'm suggesting (and this may be too much work, I don't know) is that you call the RPG program directly and use Expat to parse the SOAP document.

Though, if it's a standard parameter (I'm not sure if it is or not, since I avoid Java as much as possible) they're passeed by reference. So you should be able to examine the memory right after the parameter to see the rest of the data.

Yes I have and I have to say great work on that.  I have
installed and started playing with it however my real first
step is getting this service up and running.  I was also
thinking trying to find a way since the web service is just a
java program to have the java program place the XML on the
IFS then just do a call to the RPGLE Service program stating
its on the IFS however not that familiar with Java yet soo...
just trying to find a solution...

I guess that's another possibility... have the web service call a Java program instead of an RPG program. Have that Java program write the data to the IFS and then call your RPG program.

I'd try simply examining the memory after the parameter data to see if it's all there first, though...

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