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Re: trouble after upgrading FTPAPI

Sender: Scott Klement <sk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Hi Sean,

Please try the latest FTPAPI from the following links and tell me if that works better:

SAVF: http://www.scottklement.com/ftpapi/2.1-beta1/ftpapi.savf
XML:  http://www.scottklement.com/ftpapi/2.1-beta1/ftpapi.xml

Though, even the 2.1 beta 1 code is out of date from what I have on my machine.

On Thu, 12 May 2005, Sean Porterfield wrote:

Sender: Sean Porterfield <sporter@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

I was just trying out the new version of FTPAPI, but my file would not send.

  0: FTPAPI version 2.0beta3 released on 2004-06-24
  0: 220 xxxx Microsoft FTP Service (Version 5.0).
  0: > USER myuser
  0: 331 Password required for myuser.
  0: > PASS **********
  0: 230-Welcome to the site !
  0: 230 User myuser logged in.
  0: > TYPE I
  0: 200 Type set to I.
  0: > PORT 10,1,1,1,156,76
  DSPLY  Connection ended abnormally.
  DSPLY  Connection ended abnormally.

When I ran with the FTPAPI 1.4, I got the following:

USER myuser
331 Password required for myuser.
PASS **********
230-Welcome to the site !
230 User myuser logged in.
200 Type set to A.
227 Entering Passive Mode (64,31,138,135,10,56).
STOR SRCINV0005296.txt
125 Data connection already open; Transfer starting.
226 Transfer complete.
221 Thank you for visiting the site. Good Bye !

The first difference I notice is TYPE I vs TYPE A. The new version then got stuck (presumably by not using PASV.)

I'm using the same code, just compiled with different versions of FTPAPI.

I just went back and added some error checking (which should have already been there). I get "DSPLY Session handle not found" when I try to enable logging.

If I skip turning on logging, I get an error trying to set PASV (which explains the joblog messages) but no error message in ftp_error

c                   if        FTP_Log(*on) <0
c                   eval      Msg = ftp_error
c                   dsply                   Msg
c                   endif

c                   eval      sess = ftp_conn('siteaddress':
c                                        'myuser':
c                                        'mypass')

c                   if        ftp_passiv(*on) <0
c                   eval      Msg = ftp_error
c                   dsply                   Msg
c                   endif

Having now looked at the new examples, I seem to recall a feature being added to allow multiple FTP connections in the same job. Did this break backward compatibility?

I'm going to go replace my old version for now due to time constraints and will look into updating my code tomorrow.
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