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Sender: <nellestj@xxxxxxx>

Could someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong here?  I have a list of parameters that contains single fields as well as a data structure. I keep getting the following errors:
   1322 DStopInfo         DS                  DIM(18) QUALIFIED                      
 ======> aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa                      bbb     ccccccccc                      
 *RNF3315 20 a      010272  The Name entry is already defined on a Definition        
                            Specification; defaults to blanks.                       
 *RNF3531 30 b      010272  Keyword is not allowed with blank-data-structure name.   
 *RNF3531 30 c      010272  Keyword is not allowed with blank-data-structure name.   

If I don't define them in the 2nd place, I get errors that say the fields are not defined.  What am I doing wrong?

Here's my code:

 *ENTRY PLIST:                                          
WBROME          PR                  extpgm('WBROME')    
peOrderNo                      7A   const               
peCustCdBck                    6A                       
peLoadAtCdBck                  6A                       
peConsigCdBck                  6A                       
peBillToCdBck                  6A                       
peDivisionBck                  3A                       
pePreLdTrlrBck                 6A                       
peOrgCtyCdBck                  4A                       
peOrgStCdBck                   2A                       
peOrgAreaCdBck                 2A                       
peOrgRegCdBck                  3A                       
peConCtyCdBck                  4A                       
peConStCdBck                   2A                       
peConAreaCdBck                 2A                       
peOrgRegCdBck                  3A                        
peConCtyCdBck                  4A                        
peConStCdBck                   2A                        
peConAreaCdBck                 2A                        
peConRegCdBck                  3A                        
peICCComCd                     6A                        
peIsJit                        1A                        
peIsHazmat                     1A                        
peIsEDI                        1A                        
peBlindBill                    1A                        
StopInfo         DS                  DIM(18) QUALIFIED    
peStopNum               1      2A                        
peStopTyp               2      3A                        
peIsCallR               4      4A                        
peIsBill                5      5A       
peIsApptR               6      6A       
peIsApptM               7      7A       
peApptMB                8     17A       
peApptMJ               18     22A       
peIsSealR              23     23A       
peIsPODR               24     24A       
peIsJITstp             25     25A       
peIsLive               26     26A       
peETAJul               27     31A       
peCustCdStp            32     37A                  
peRegion               38     40A                  
peErlyWnd              41     45A                  
peLateWnd              46     50A                  
WBROME          PI                                 
peOrderNo                      7A   const          
peCustCdBck                    6A                  
peLoadAtCdBck                  6A                  
peConsigCdBck                  6A 
peBillToCdBck                  6A 
peDivisionBck                  3A 
pePreLdTrlrBck                 6A 
peOrgCtyCdBck                  4A 
peOrgStCdBck                   2A 
peOrgAreaCdBck                 2A 
peOrgRegCdBck                  3A 
peConCtyCdBck                  4A 
peConStCdBck                   2A 
peConAreaCdBck                 2A                          
peConRegCdBck                  3A                          
peICCComCd                     6A                          
peIsJit                        1A                          
peIsHazmat                     1A                          
peIsEDI                        1A                          
peBlindBill                    1A                          
StopInfo         DS                  DIM(18) QUALIFIED      
peStopNum               1      2A                          
peStopTyp               2      3A                          
peIsCallR               4      4A  
peIsBill                5      5A  
peIsApptR               6      6A  
peIsApptM               7      7A  
peApptMB                8     17A  
peApptMJ               18     22A  
peIsSealR              23     23A  
peIsPODR               24     24A  
peIsJITstp             25     25A  
peIsLive               26     26A  
peETAJul               27     31A 
peCustCdStp            32     37A 
peRegion               38     40A 
peErlyWnd              41     45A 
peLateWnd              46     50A 

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!



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