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Re: http_api errors

Sender: Scott Klement <sk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

I do a SSL connection to a parcel carrier site to build a days-to-deliver table by zip code, but after a few (30 or so ?) loops I get the GSKits Error #4 (insufficient storage).

Are you calling https_init() in a loop? If so, don't do that. Call https_init() only once, then call http_url_post() (or whatever you're using) in a loop.

Or better yet, use the persistent functions, since they don't require the setup of a new TCP connection for each call, it'll be much more efficient.

I have tried RCLRSC and RCLACTGRP but once I get the error it repeats itself every time until I end the job. The program is similar to example5 in the open source library LIBHTTP and it does have a actgrp(*new). The only fix is to end the job.

What version of HTTPAPI are you using? ACTGRP(*NEW) should clean everything up in version 1.10 or later. However, you should never call an ACTGRP(*NEW) program in a loop unless you don't care at all about performance.

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