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Re: Ports

Sender: Scott Klement <sk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

I've just started using FTP API and am very pleased with it. I have one problem though, I need to connect to port 222 instead of 21. I've changed the constant to 222 for FTP_PORT in the FTPAPI_H copy module but it doesn't seem to make any difference it still wants to use 21. What am I missing?

Please don't change the constant. It's a constant (instead of a variable) because it's not meant to be changed. The way you're doing it WOULD work if you recompiled FTPAPI -- but I really discourage making changes to the source code -- it just makes it difficult to upgrade FTPAPI later.

A better idea is to pass the optional parameter for "port number" to either FTP_Conn() or FTP_Open() (whichever one you're using)

For example, this will use port 222 instead of 21 for the control channel:

     C                   eval      sess = FTP_conn( 'ftp.mybuddy.com'
     C                                            : 'scott'
     C                                            : 'mypassword'
     C                                            : 222 )

In fact, the reason that constant exists in FTPAPI_H is to allow access to the optional parameters that follow the port number without needing to hard-code the port in your programs.

For example, if you wanted to set a 30 second timeout but wanted to take the default for the port number, you'd code this:

     C                   eval      sess = FTP_conn( 'ftp.mybuddy.com'
     C                                            : 'scott'
     C                                            : 'mypassword'
     C                                            : FTP_PORT
     C                                            : 30 )

But, when you do want to change the port number, you should pass the number that you want in that parameter (as shown above)

If you're using the newer FTP_open() & FTP_login() instead of FTP_conn(), you'd code it this way:

     C                   eval      sess = FTP_open( 'ftp.mybuddy.com'
     C                                            : 222 )

     C                   if        FTP_login( sess
     C                                      : 'scott'
     C                                      : 'mypassword' ) < 0
      ***        ERROR! call FTP_errorMsg() to find out what happened
     C                   endif

Hope that helps
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