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Re: Post vs Post_raw

Sender: Scott Klement <sk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

and then reran with the same results:
DSPLY  recvdoc: saveproc: Not all data was written!

Can you post the code for your INCOMING subprocedure?

     1   'msg=iSeriesTest&host='
   61   'OUND&manager=                                                 '

It appears that the HTTP API is sending the same url-encoded string to the servlet that the GUI does, do you agree? If so, do you have any other suggestions as to what we can try next?

That looks correct to me. Is the servlet still crashing/locking up?

The next thing I'd look at is your INCOMING subprocedure. (The one you're telling HTTPAPI to call for each piece of new data that's received.)

It's possible that this subprocedure is telling HTTPAPI that it can't save all of the data that the server is sending (which would explain the error -- but wouldn't explain why the servlet is locking up...)
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