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Re: Re: Parameter values

Sender: Scott Klement <sk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

This encoding scheme (URL encoding) is a standard way of doing things. What your web programmer is telling you is a "normal" way of doing things that pretty much everybody uses. (It's either this way or XML)

The encoding routines will automatically insert the '&' characters for you. But, you do have to insert the '?' manually.

Take a look at EXAMPLE14, it shows you an actual example of this process.

On Tue, 21 Dec 2004 nellestj@xxxxxxx wrote:

Okay - I'm trying out the encoding like you suggested. The programmer that wrote the webservice is looking for the data to come in one big string like this:
rc = http_url_get_xml(''+
'OrderNumber=' + %trimr(OrderNo) +
'&SequenceNumber=01' +
'&PTA= 12252004' +
'&Status=WHAT' +
'&UnitNumber= 3302' +
'&DrvLstCtySt=MARSWI' +
'&DrvLstLat=0' +

When I encode, do I include the '&' in front of the fields? The programmer said that's what tells him it's a new field. Basically he's looking for a '?' in front of the first field, and an '&' in fron of all of the others.

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