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Re: Host not found

Sender: Scott Klement <sk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

0014.00 c                   eval      rc = http_url_get(
0015.00 c                             'HTTP://'+
0016.00 c                             'document.txt':
0017.00 c                             '/tmp/httpapi_test.txt')
Now they are getting a "DSPLY connect(): The value specified for the argument is n" in the job log. They are gone for the day so I can't get them to debug and see what the entire error is but I'm suspecting the http_url_get parms are not correct. I must need another pair of eyes because it seems to me that it is passing the two required parms - the URL and the file name to put the reply into.
What am I missing?

There was a bug reported previously that HTTPAPI returns this error message when there's no server to connect to, and it gets a 'connection refused' datagram.

Although the CommTcp_Connect() subprocedure appears to work properly, it doesn't look like it's always giving the right error message when something goes wrong. I'll have to research this further.

Try telnetting to port 80 on, and tell me what happens...
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