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Re: Re: Receving data past back from a webservice

Sender: <nellestj@xxxxxxx>

Hi Again - 

I am still unable to get the post to work.  This is what the user who wrote the webservice gave me as a guide to follow.  If I were to read from the IFS, how would I go about doing that?

The following is a sample HTTP GET request and response. The placeholders shown need to be replaced with actual values.

GET /billingtest/service1.asmx/BillingTest?orderNumber=string HTTP/1.1
Host: rtidev

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: length

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<string xmlns="http://roehl.com/webservices/";>string</string>
The following is a sample HTTP POST request and response. The placeholders shown need to be replaced with actual values.

POST /billingtest/service1.asmx/BillingTest HTTP/1.1
Host: rtidev
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: length

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: length

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<string xmlns="http://roehl.com/webservices/";>string</string>

> From: Scott Klement <klemscot@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Date: 2004/12/14 Tue PM 11:51:20 GMT
> To: ftpapi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: Re: Receving data past back from a webservice
> Sender: Scott Klement <klemscot@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
> > Hi again - This is all very new to me.  Would you mind going through
> > example16?  I think this is the example I'm going to try to follow.
> > Like I said, I don't need to use SSL, so do I just comment that out?  I
> > would like to have the data passed back to the program for me to use.
> > I need to be able to display that data back to a screen.  Any other
> > suggestions would be greatly appreciated. :)
> Hehe... EXAMPLE16 is the most complex of all of the example programs.
> Naturelly you'd pick that one :)  But, I'll try to explain it.
> EXAMPLE16 uses HTTPAPI's built-in support for the Expat XML parser. When
> you built HTTPAPI, make sure you included support for Expat, otherwise you
> won't be able to use it.
> Follow these steps:
> a) Make your own copy of EXAMPLE16 called "TEST" or something.
> b) Remove the InitSSL() subprocedure and the spot in the mainline where it
> is called.
> c) All that's basically left at this point is the UpsTrackReq()
> subprocedure.
> d) In that subprocedure, the first two things are some very long EVAL
> statements (though the actual name "EVAL" can be left-off in /FREE rpg)
> these EVAL statements do nothing but put data into variables. (which
> happens to be XML data, though you can do whatever you like) The end
> result will be data in a variable called 'postData'
> e) the HTTP_url_post_xml() subprocedure is called to send the postData
>    to UPS (who does require SSL.) You'll want to change the URL in the
>    http_url_post_xml() to point to your webservice.
> f) Pass the address of the data you want to send in the 2nd parm.  In
>    EXAMPLE16, I told it "two bytes later in memory that the address
>    of the postdata variable"  The only reason I added 2 bytes is to
>    skip the "length" field that's atuomatically part of a VARYING
>    field in RPG.
> g) The 3rd parm is the length of the data to send.
> h) The fourth and fifth parms are call-back subprocedures.  This is
> actually code that you write in your program, and HTTPAPI calls those
> subprocedures when it needs to.
> The idea between these subprocedures is that HTTPAPI will parse the XML
> document that's received automatically as it comes in off of the wire.
> When it receives the start of an XML element, it'll call the
> "StartOfElement" subprocedure.  (I called it StartOfElement in EXAMPLE16,
> though you can call it whatever you like)  When it receives the end tag of
> an XML element, it'll call the EndOFElement subprocedure.
> To make things a bit more flexible, I decided to make it possible for
> HTTPAPI to pass some of your data to these call-back routines.  So, the
> last parm that I used in EXAMPLE16 is the address of user data that will
> be passed to each call-back routine.  In this case, the "resp" data
> structure will be passed to each call-back.
> For more info on the parms that http_url_post_xml() accepts, check out the
> comments in the HTTPAPI_H member.  Just search for http_url_post_xml() and
> you should find the comments.
> So, when you run the http_url_post_xml() subprocedure, HTTPAPI will make a
> request to the web server (while you wait) and hopefully get back an XML
> document.  That document will be parsed by EXPAT, and for each XML tag you
> receive, it'll call your subprocedures.
> In the StartOfElement subprocedure, again this is being called as the data
> arrives over the wire, I get the 'resp' data structure as the first parm
> (I decided to call it 'r' for brevity) and a few other parameters:
>     depth - how many levels deep we are in the XML document.
>      name - name of the element we're being called back for.
>      path - path to that element.
>     attrs - an array of points to the XML attributes.
> The EndOFElement call-back will be passed those same parameters, PLUS, the
> value of the text that was in-beteween the start & end tag.
> Consider the following XML document:
> <mydocument>
>    <shipto>
>       <name>Bob</name>
>       <address>
>         <addr1>123 Sesame St</addr1)
>         <city>New York</city>
>         <state>NY</state>
>         <zip>12345</zip>
>       </address>
>    </shipto>
>    <shipto>
>       <name>Bob's Uncle</name>
>       <address>
>         <addr1>321 Sesame St</addr1)
>         <city>New Jersey</city>
>         <state>NJ</state>
>         <zip>54321</zip>
>       </address>
>    </shipto>
> </mydocument>
> HTTPAPI will call your call-backs in the following order:
>    StartOfElement.  depth=1,name='mydocument', path='/'
> then
>    StartOfElement.  depth=2,name='shipto', path='/mydocument'
> then
>    StartOfElement.  depth=3,name='name', path='/mydocument/shipto'
> then
>    EndOfElement.    depth=3,name='name', path='/mydocument/shipto',
>                     value='Bob'
> then
>    StartOfElement.  depth=3,name='address', path='/mydocument/shipto'
> then
>    StartOfElement.  depth=4,name='addr1', path='/mydocument/shipto/address'
> then
>    EndOfElement.  depth=4,name='addr1', path='/mydocument/shipto/address'
>                   value='123 Sesame St'
> etc, etc.
> And so on, throughout the document until it's parsed every single XML
> element.  What you'll want to do in your call-back routines is check
> the values of 'name' and 'path' to find out what you're working with,
> and save those values somewhere.
> In the case of EXAMPLE16, the various attributes are saved into the 'resp'
> data structure. In the StartOfElement subprocedure it moves on to the next
> array element, as needed.
> In the EndOfElement subprocedure, it assigns the values to the various
> parts of the 'resp' data structure so that they'll be available when the
> parsing is completed.
> When the XML document is complete and all of the callbacks have been
> called, http_url_post_xml() ends, returning control back to the
> UpsTrackReq() subprocedure, which checks to make sure no errors occurred.
> At that point, the resp data structure contains the response from UPS...
> there's no code in there to show the result, you have to view it in debug
> or add some code to show the results...
> Hope that makes sense...
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