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Re: 302

Sender: Scott Klement <sk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

> I'm still getting a problem, that when I use the http_url_post to an ip
> address, I get a return code of -1 and an error message of "Received HTTP
> 302 during post request".

What happened is that HTTPAPI has sent a URL and told the web server that
it's about to POST data to it.  The web server has replied with a "302
Object Moved" error code -- but HTTPAPI is expecting to receive a '100

I've never heard of someone sending a 302 at that particular point of the
transaction, and HTTPAPI doesn't know how to handle it when it receives it
there -- so it returns a -1 and a complaint that it received a 302 while
it was trying to post data.  (It's expecting 302 to be a possibility AFTER
it posts the data, not while it's trying to post it...)

> The other company assures me that there was no activity at that
> firewall, yet I can ping the ip address fine.  What's the problem?

Heheh... "I'm getting a 302 error, and I can ping the server!" is
like saying "I'm driving down the interstate, and I'm lost. I've checked
and double checked, and my engine is running."

Obviously, you can't get lost on the interstate if your car won't run.

Obviously, you can't get an error message from an HTTP server if you're
not able to get data from the HTTP server.

If you're getting a 302, you're communicating with SOMETHING... the
question is what is, what are you sending that's different from what it's
expecting to receive?

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