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Re: HTTPAPI 1.10 pre 6 := Encoding numbers

I encode them using the same procedures as are used to encode the UserId and PassWords in the authentication string.
I just execute these procedures from one of the feeding procedured for HTTPAPI.
See here under:
 * Translate string to asci.                                       
C                   callp     Translate(%len(%trimr(PART)):        
C                                       PART: HTTP_TOASC)          
C                   eval      wwEncLen = base64_encode(%addr(PART):
C                                             %len(%trimr(PART)):  
C                                             %addr(PART):         
C                                             %size(PART))         
Kind regards,
Eduard Sluis.

Scott Klement <sk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Sender: Scott Klement

> Now using the interface for exchanging Soap messages we encountered a
> different problem.

What do you mean by "the interface for exchanging Soap messages"? You
state that you are encoding numbers and character strings, how are you
encoding them? Are you using a routine in HTTPAPI? If so, which one?

> For example when I encode '73067516'
> I get the encoding 'NzMwpjc1g/E='
> When they decode they get '730¦75?ñ'

This looks like a base64 encoding, but where is it coming from? How are
you doing the base64 encoding? HTTPAPI only base64 encodes userids and
passwords, it doesn't use any base64 elsewhere.

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