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Re: HTTPAPI 1.10 pre 6

Sender: Scott Klement <sk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Hi Eduard,

> When doing posts however I encountered ReadTimeouts and started to
> investigate the reason for that.
> I'm using http_url_post_raw and started to track it's whereabouts.
> My conclusion was that the timeout is the result of only sending the
> Requestchain and not the Postdata.... Obviously the server wil not
> respond on that.

I'm already working on fixing that, I discovered this error when working
with Dave Parnin's debug file yesterday.  That is, assuming that this is
the same issue that he had.

I'm really glad that you guys are finding of these bugs in testing before
it gets released. I knew there'd be a lot of bugs since I made so many
huge changes to the API.  It'll be worth the effort to have all of these
new features once the bugs have been worked out.  Thank you!

> In the debug file the postdata is also not present..
> An other thing I'm not sure of:
> The recieving party sais that the base64 encoding of
> 'Username:Password' = Q0xTX1VzZXI6Q0xTX1VzZXIx
> The result I get is however 'VXNlcm5hbWU6UGFzc3dvcmQ='
> Is there a way to calculate their encoding back to verify the
> correctness of their 'Username:Password'

Base64 isn't encryption, its just a way of encoding 8-bit data so that it
can be sent in a text-only medium.  It's very easy to decode.

Q0xTX1VzZXI6Q0xTX1VzZXIx decodes to "CLS_User:CLS_User1"
VXNlcm5hbWU6UGFzc3dvcmQ= decodes to "Username:Password"

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