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Re: Sending 'ENTER'

Sender: Scott Klement <klemscot@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

Hi Andy,

I don't have access to a system which requires the account prompt, so
I can't test this.   According to RFC 959 (the official standard for
the FTP protocol) you should be getting a message similar to this:

       332 Need Account For Logon.

If that's the case, we need to send back an ACCT command followed by
the account name, but like I said, I've never seen this in action.

I can add support for this into FTPAPI if you're willing to help me out.

1) From your iSeries type:

         FTP 'myhost.withacct.whatever.com'

2) When it asks for a user-id & password, just hit enter so that
     the logon fails with a "530 Login Incorrect" (or however they phrase

3) Turn debugging on in the IBM FTP client by typing:  debug 1

4) Then log in with your username & password by typing:  user

5) After the password, it should ask you for your account.   Please
     pay attention to what the server says.  It should show a 332
     followed by "NEED ACCOUNT FOR LOGON".   When you press ENTER
     or supply an account, you should see something like:

          >>> ACCT <something>

6) What I need to know is:  does it send a 332?  If not, what number
     does it send when requesting the account?   When does it ask you
     for this?  Is it after the ">>> PASS" command?

    and, I need to know if it sends the ">>> ACCT", and what it sends
    after that.   I assume that the ACCT is followed by nothing if you
    just hit enter, or the account name if you type one, but I want
    to be sure.

Once I know this, I'll add support to FTPAPI (which will be easy with
the information you give me) and then you can use it for that server...

On Tue, 8 Oct 2002, Youens, Andrew (FNB) wrote:
> I'm using FTPAPIR4 quite successfully until I try to FTP to a UNISYS machine
> which after processing the user ID & Password prompts 'NEED ACCOUNT FOR
> No input is required apart from a Enter to this prompt, any ideas how I can
> achieve this?

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