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Re: Welcome to ftpapi - TESTING

Sender: Scott Klement <klemscot@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

On Mon, 30 Sep 2002, Richard B Baird wrote:
> see inline questions, marked by >><<

Can you please quote the message normally?  This type of quoting
freaks me out.

> >><< the data returned by ftp_dir (at least from another iseries)
> >><< includes a type (*DIR or *STMF) the data stream.
> >><< isn't that enough?  or is there no guarantee that any
> >><< particular ftp server would return that data?

That data is intended to be human-readable.  No other FTP server that I've
ever seen outputs its directories in the same format as the iSeries.  And
even if it did, you'd have no guarentee that it wouldn't change from
release to release.

The idea is, it's human-readable, so as long as a person can still read
it, they can change it any way they want.

Even on the same AS/400 at the same release, you could do a
and your program would no longer work correctly.

> Seems kinda silly to use the local FTP server when you can just use the
> IFS API, though, doesn't it?
> >><< Yes, maybe, but I've done sillier things.  I guess that the
> >><< reason i wanted to do it that way was to keep it simple, because
> >><< I'm setting this thing up so that it could push or pull, and
> >><< concievably
> >><< even make copies from one spot on the IFS to another, on the same
> >><< iseries.  ftp would probably be just as fast, and I can use the
> >><< same code whether I'm pushing or pulling the directory structure.

Err, not really.   Pushing would require an FTP_Put whereas Pulling would
require FTP_Get.

I haven't tested doing two simultaneous FTP connections using the FTPAPI,
so I'm not sure how well it'd work to be connected to two servers from the
same program.   In particular, there are global variables that might get
out of whack.  This should probably be fixed, but it's too much work to
fix it right now.

> I'll throw together two sample programs....  One that shows how to take
> a local directory structure and "mirror" it to an FTP server, and
> one that downloads a directory structure from an FTP server to the
> AS/400.  (Which is the same thing, but in the opposite direction)
> I'll add them to the FTPAPI distribution, so everyone can benefit from
> them...
> >><< That would be great!   you have time for this?  <lol>

No, I don't.  But, at the same time, I want people to see how powerful
the FTPAPI is, and begin using it.  And the best way to do that is to
show people.

And, at any rate, this won't take long for me to do.

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